Twenty-Two - Colby

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The moment the door opened, David's camera was in our faces again. Octavia booked it down the stairs. I wasn't fortunate enough to follow. "Guess we know what you got her for her birthday," Sam said. I ignored him and walked towards the stairs. 

"Don't ignore us! We just wanna talk about it" Corey said in a girly voice. I smiled but kept walking. When I got downstairs I saw Octavia in the kitchen. She was sat on the island with some food. I got my own breakfast but sat in the game room instead. David left and the roommates shut up after a short while, meaning some peace and quiet. 

Octavia joined me when she had finished her food, cuddling into my side and putting her feet up. She watched me scroll through Instagram for about an hour. At the end of it, she sat up properly, facing me.

"We need to talk about last night," she said.

"I agree" she held out her hand so I took it. We walked up into my room for some privacy. 

"So, I don't know about you but I really enjoyed last night; every part of it. It was perfect, a wonderful birthday"

"Me too"

"So, the question is do we want this to go further?"

"Personally, I would like it to. I wasn't sure before but now, now I'm sure and I want to go out with you. A real relationship. And the internet will know about last night soon anyway so we might as well tell whoever, that is, if you agree with me"

"I do. I do agree with you. I think we should date. Obviously, if it doesn't work out you have to promise to still be my friend and to not make things awkward... do you promise?"

"Of course! And you have to promise, too"

"Promise" she smiled as did I. 

"Then come over here and make out with me," I said. She giggled then did just that. 


"Hey babe," Octavia said when she saw me in the house. Elton had invited her on an exploration video at the sunken city.

"Hey," I said. She walked up to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she pulled me into a kiss by wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled away and noticed most of the roommates in the living room, who were pretending not to look at us. 

"When are we leaving?" she asked. She turned around in my arms to face the others. They looked up as though they weren't already watching.

"In about five minutes" Sam replied.

"Okie, thanks" she smiled. We walked into the living room. When I sat on the couch she decided my lap was going to be the best seat so she plopped herself down there. I snaked an arm around her and held her hand. 

Five minutes later we were off. "Ooo it looks dark and spooky!" she exclaimed.

"Yup, that's how it is," Sam said.

"It also looks dangerously fun" I could see her getting excited by it. 

"Hey what's up guys it's Sam and Colby," I said to the camera.

"And today we are at the sunken city"


"But it gets better, we are with some friends!"

"We have Elton, Corey, Aaron, Devyn, and, my personal favourite, Octavia"

"Hey!" Corey exclaimed. I laughed. 

"Awe, thank you" she kissed my cheek then interlocked our fingers. 

"Anyways, we're not spending the night, sadly, maybe next time," Sam said.

"If this video hits 100,000 then we will sleep here" Elton piped.

"Uh, no. I didn't agree to that" Aaron said. Elton shrugged.

"We do what we don't want to do on this channel" Sam stated. Too true. 

"Let's get on with it!" Corey almost yelled. Elton took the camera as he was the one who normally filmed when he was here anyway.

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