One Hundred and Thirty-Four - Third POV Still

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Heaven Reeves pulled up outside her new home at around three am. Her backpack sat on the passenger seat and her phone blew up silently. She just sat in her new car for a moment unsure of her decision. She wanted so badly to go back to her real home, to her life. But the feeling in the pit of her stomach, where her heart had dropped, reminded her that she has to do this FOR her old life.

Heaven picked up her bag, phone, and keys as she climbed out of the car. The little cottage sat in front of her separated from the other houses on the street. She had easy access to the little forest area behind everything. She stormed forward with her key ready to unlock the door. The drive had been long and tiresome, especially since she switched cars.

A small cat meowed at her to get her attention. It slowly crept forward skeptically. Like it was studying the young woman. If it could sense sadness, then it would be sensing a hell of a lot of it.

Finally, she pushed the key into the keyhole and turned it to the left. The quiet click of the lock was the only sound... except for the clatter of the claws that belonged to the cat as it ran off. Heaven found herself smiling ever so slightly, though she knew that it wouldn't last.

She opened the door and reached her hand inside for the light switch. It was dim and warm, cozy. The wooden floors looked spotless, even from dust, similarly to the walls. Such a beautiful house yet nothing like the mansions and apartments she'd been inside before.

The woman stepped fully inside and carefully shut the door behind her. she turned the knob to lock it and slid across the chain. The downstairs was very open plan. She could see the living room just in front of her and the kitchen that led off from it.

She made her way to the main room, looking around. She had to be careful now, very careful. She checked the bathroom and walked out to the backyard, which was smaller than the drive out front. It was simply a small shed and patch of grass. After checking inside the shed, she went back inside and locked the back door.

Finally, she slipped up the small spiral staircase in the corner of the living room. They led to the small room upstairs. It had quite a large bed and lots of empty shelving. There was a thin door, the closet. Heaven dropped her bag onto the bed, digging inside for her daggers, which she threw onto the pillows. She put the bag into the closet without unpacking the things inside.

Heaven put one dagger into her shoe, the other dagger into the waistband of her jeans, and pulled the gun out. She held it in her hand as she went downstairs, turning off the lights then lying down on her bed.

She just stared up at the ceiling thoughtfully. If this doesn't go completely good, it'll be very bad. And she can't afford for it to go very bad. Part of her missed the arms she was so used to being around her, let alone the quiet sound of talking she would hear from the other room. Instead, it was dead silent and the only comfort she had was the cold metal in her hand.

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