Fourteen - Colby

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When we got in the car, Octavia sat on my lap, facing 'Blissful', AKA Matt.

"Hope you don't mind," she said. I smiled.

"Not at all," I said. As we drove to the Estate she kept checking her phone. Even I heard the buzzes every time they came through. It started to make me a little worried. Finally, we arrived.

I noticed the knife sticking out a tiny bit against her back but I didn't want to say anything. From what I knew, she always had one on her. If not one then more. We did a quick intro then walked through the open front gate. 

"The front gate is open so literally anyone could be in here," Elton said. 

"Don't worry, I'll protect you" Octavia teased. She was basically skipping ahead. Suddenly there was a female scream for help. Octavia seemed more on-alert as we all did. 

"What should we do?" I asked. They all looked at me. 

"Keep going," Octavia said. 

"But what if that girl needs help?" Matt asked.

"I've heard real screams for help and that's not what they sound like," she said as she kept walking. Matt made eye-contact with Sam who, thanks to his smart brain, told Matt to slow down and walk behind the group with him. I assumed he was gonna tell him then.

"Doesn't it worry you?" Elton whispered. "She could have killed someone before and just not cared"

"Well, we don't know that. We'll have to find out won't we" I said.

"Well, you're the one she likes the most so you're the most likely person to obtain any information," Elton said.

"He's right" Sam added. He had caught up with us again. Matt looked slightly scared. 

"I don't care. I don't think I should be asking about that, period" I said.

"Yes, you should! Don't you think we should know if our life is in danger at any point?" Matt chirped.

"Fine" I grumbled. I walked faster to reach her. "Hey," I said. She looked at me then turned her head.


"So, I have a question," I said. She looked back at me. "Have you ever... killed... anyone?" I asked. She stayed silent for a little while. That's a yes, right? Otherwise, she would've said no already.

"Yes," she said.

"You wouldn't... hurt any of us right?" I asked.

"No, of course not! Not unless you were in my gang's bad books" she said. More comforting but also very much not.

"Right" I looked at the ground. Suddenly she grabbed my hand. If she was trying to get me to look at her, she did it.

"I wouldn't, OK?" she said. It was comforting. This was the first time I actually saw any kind of emotion in her eyes. She smiled to add to the effect.

"Yeah OK," she still didn't let go. I didn't really mind. As pussy as it sounded, it made me feel better about where we were. We kept on walking ahead, not once looking behind us at the other guys. I couldn't care less if they could see us or not. 

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now