How to workout, on a budget

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It was a normal Wednesday night. Vinny was on his laptop, Jeff was on his phone, Evan was napping, and You were attempting homework. You reached into the big bowl of popcorn that Vinny put out, eating it while still looking at your homework. The room was almost dead silent except for the occasional crunches of popcorn or Evan's snores heard from the other room. Vinny suddenly sat up.

"I have an idea" Vinny proposed.

You and Jeff exchanged a nervous glance and then looked at Vinny.

"Okay so, you know how the other night how we were joking about making a workout series?" Vinny began

"Yes...? " Jeff said slowly, afraid of where Vinny was heading with this.

"I think we should do it, I mean- we have everything to do it, it might be a cool hobby?" Vinny sounded excited.

"I mean..." You trailed off looking at Jeff.

Jeff had a hand rubbing the back of his neck, "I uh- mean its just that-" Jeff started stuttering.

Vinny looked down, "'s Alright if-" Vinny was cut by Jeff.

"-we should get Evans opinion first!" Jeff shouted acting excited. He turned to you to help him out.

You looked at Jeff, then back at Vinny and let out a sigh, "yeah, yeah let's uh- let's see what Evan thinks". Jeff got up and looked at Vinny.

"Be right back  P A L" Jeff shot Vinny finger guns as he backed away, towards the stairs. Jeff kept walking backward until he met the staircase edge. You and Jeff walked up the staircase and stood in front of Evans door.

"What the hell was that?" You asked Jeff.

"I don't know, I panicked!" Jeff whispered.

"-but what made you call Vinny pal and then shoot him awkward finger guns for ten minutes" you whisper shouted.

"I said I was panicking!" He yelled

"Lower your voice; Vinny's not an idiot" you whispered.

"Whatever" he whispered back.

"We gotta do it" you said in a low tone.

"Arghughuhhhh" Jeff groaned "I know... it would make him happy".

"Now we just gotta convince Evan" you said firmly.

"He's not going to want to do it..." Jeff warned.

"I know..." You said quietly; You knocked on his door a few times before you guys entered. He was laying on his chair, asleep.

"Uh Evan... Hey Evan... Evan!" Jeff tried, He wouldn't budge. "Evaaaaan... EVAN!" Jeff yelled suddenly. Evan flew his head up and looked at you two with wide eyes.

"Ack...what- the hell is wrong with yo-" Evan began to get angry at Jeff but backed down. "What do you want"

"Um...Vinny wants to make work out videos for youtube" you said calmly.

"Oh?" Evan was confused, "Well what did you tell him?".

"That's a long story" you laughed, referring to Jeff.

Jeff made a face at you and turned back to Evan, "well long story short Y/N and I don't really want to work out for youtube but Vinny really wants to and he is our friend...would you be willing to do it?" Jeff pleaded.

"I mean..." Evan looked at you.

You mouthed a 'please' at him.

"Fine" he slumped down "but i wont be happy about it"

"Yeah!" You said, Jeff high fiveing you.

Evan got up from the chair and still a bit dazed, followed you guys out. You approached Vinny, "we'll do it" You proposed.

"Really?" Vinny gushed, "You didn't have to."

"We wanted to" Jeff interjected, going back into his annoying lying voice.


Everyone gathered around a hat with little slips of paper, the pieces of paper had what they would be specializing in for their channel. Vinny went first and grabbed a piece of paper.

" I'm the...workout specialist! " Vinny sat back down excited.

"..of coarse..." Evan groaned under his breath.

"I'll go. " You walked up to the hat and pulled a peice of paper out, "I'm the...editor and camera assistant...sweet" You sat back down. Evan got up next and picked a piece of paper out.

"Nutrionist..alright" Evan nodded his head.

that left Jeff to grab the last slip. "Camera director and editor." He said reading the paper.


"Okay we're rolling in 3...2...1..." Jeff whispered at everyone.

"ACTION!" you yelled from a tall chair and smacking a cheap film cut and action cue card you bought for $ 2. Everyone kinda looks at you every time you do that with a more annoyed look but this only made you wanna do it more.

"Whats going on internet I am Vinny everyman and this is everymanHYBRID" he stated

You cringed at how forced the intro sounded, it appeared that the other guys agreed with you considering Evan was shrunken down and Jeff had a fake toothy smile stuck on his face.

"We're gonna show you that you don't need fancy, expensive gym equipment to live a happier, healthier mind and body. We're gonna show you that there is a sort of ying and yang to mental and physical health. You can contact us at these sources!" Vinny ended his segment.

You looked up and gave a delayed 'snap!' With your Cut card before yelling, "Cut!"

"Alright scene one, check!" Jeff exclaimed.

Then everyone jumped in the air and high fived, freezing in the air once in the high five. Punk pop music played as the credits rolled.

"Y/N ?...Y/N???" Evan waved a hand in front of your face. " you good? "

"Oh yeah...just had an epic daydream... it was so real..." You explained.

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