and the rabbit hole goes deeper

990 31 5

~Jeff and Vinny pov?~

Jeff awoke from his bed and immidietly ran down stairs and into the basement. Jeff walked all the way into the back of the basement and sure enough, the shrine was still there.

Another person had come running down the stairs, meeting Jeff.

"Vinny this is- this is so bad" Jeff cried.

"Its just some prankster, okay?" Vinny said calmly.

"We gotta stop these videos, if we want this to stop" Jeff stated.

"No, thats what they want!" Vinny objected.

"Yeah is it?! How the fuck do you know?" Jeff replied, in the same tone.

~you and Evan~

Evan had on a Freddy Krueger glove and was saying "arghsa i'm Freddy Krueger"

"Hm, didn't remember this part in the movie" You joked, loopy as hell.

Muffled yells could be heard from the basement. You and Evan exchanged a confused glance.

"Should we check that out?" He asked, smacking the fingers of the glove together.

"I guess so" you yawned.

Evan put the glove down and you followed him towards the basement door.

"Oh whats up brothers what are we talking about?" Evan asked, leaning against the stairs.

"And where has that gotton us, huh? What do we do when it gets worse?" Jeff yelled, ignoring Evan.

"We do what we always do; we truck on." Vinny replied.

"In case you haven't noticed, that plan isn't working. Whoever is doing this is still stalking us and breaking in!" He said.

"Well it could've been Alex who made that." Vinny said.

"Alex wouldn't have done that; he couldn't have done that he's outta state, with friends right now, you think he flew out here to pull a prank?!" Argued Jeff.

"Im just stateing the possibilities, okay?" He responded.

"Yeah well your possiblities don't make any sense." Jeff said, calmer.

"What are we... What are we talking about here?" Evan interjected again.

"The little shrine!" Jeff bursted out, not thinking.

"Oh, right, yeah." Evan said, nodding.

"What do you mean, right yeah?" Both Vinny and Jeff questioned, before looking directly at you.

"Hey how do you know it was me? I mea- ...yeah it was me." You admitted.

"Dammit, Y/N." Vinny mumbled.

"Hey Jeff was gonna tell him anyway!" You pointed out.

"Okay let's forget about it...for now... So , Jeff, if we stop the videos now we'll just let him win!" Vinny continued.

"Who? Vinny" Evan asked.

"The guy who's fucking with us!" He boomed.

"But what if it's... What if we consider the possibility that jas crossed all of our minds. I know its crazy and throws all logic out the door but what if- what if its real?" Evan proposed.

Everyone in the room fell silent after that suggestion.

*//Later that night\\*

"Which flavour popsicle you guys want?" Vinny asked, opening the freezer.




A collective of voices responded.

"Alright guys come get 'em" Vinny answered, pulling out the requests. Everyone gathered around the table to eat their slushpops.

"Hey whats that?" Evan asked, pointing to the backdoor where a peice of paper was taped to the door. You and Jeff walked up to the backdoor and examined it.

"Looks like... Coordinates?" You said aloud, confused.

"Great, more presents." Evan sighed.

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