New Roommates

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You looked up at the large house in front of you. It was large and imposing comparatively to the other homes on the block.

Small droplets of cold rain began to sprinkle across your forehead. Better head inside before I get soaked, you think to yourself before scooping up your bags and approaching the front porch.

The door was wooden with paint beginning to chip off. You bring your fist to the door and knock a few, polite knocks. The house didn't look this old on the listing.

You wait a minute before knocking again. You notice the wind beginning to pick up now, by the sound of nearby trees rustling against eachother.

You knock again, slightly less polite than the first.

No answer.

Leaving you with no choice, you try the door. It clicks open easily and you hesitantly step inside.

You looked around the house, it smelled just as you would expect. Like dust and acrylic paint. The interior was nothing remarkable. The first thing your greeted to upon entering the house is a medium sized wooden staircase leading to the second floor. To your right is the living room, an off-white carpet covering the floor with a worn couch and a couple small chairs. The large window in the living room allowed for what little the daylight that remained to pour in.

To your left was the dining room which was a circular table and a few chairs, which sat in front of the small kitchen. A few lit candles skattered around the area.

You flick the entry-way light a couple times. Nothing.

You decide to head up the stairs. Seems like I'm the first one here, guess that means first pick of the rooms.

The first room was to your right. It was empty aside from the twin size bed in the corner and a small wooden dresser beside it. The same off white color carpet from the living room covered the floor. Looking into the room felt comforting yet gave you a strong sense of deja vu. Like you've been to this room in a memory just out of reach.

The next rooms door was only slightly open. You push the door open further with a small squeak and notice the large curtains covering the window, allowing for no light to enter the room.

Something was off. You began to feel like there were eyes watching you, just out of your field of view, no matter where you looked.

You decide to retrieve one of the stray lit candles and enter the dark room, in order to open the curtains. Each step had to be slow and careful, as to not spill wax onto the carpeted floor. However this only grew your sense of unease. Finally you reach the curtains and pull them open quickly. The wind and rain had only picked up since you arrived. With rain drops now smacking against the window with small thuds.

You averted your eyes to the treeline where trees now thrashed against eachother.

Then you saw it.

Your stomach dropped and you tried to get a better look at it. A man facing towards you from the treeline... or backwards? You couldn't quite make out his face. You set the candle down on the window sill and furrow your brows, still unable to get a good look. Despite how uncanny the man appeared you felt compelled to stare.

You were abruptly broken from the trance by a hand on your shoulder.

You let out an involuntary yelp. As you turn to face the man.

He screams louder and pulls his hand away.

"Jeff, right?" You ask, holding your hand over your heart.

"Uh y-yeah, Y/N right?" He breathes out. "Did you just get here?"

"Yeah I did, have you been here this whole time?" You ask, calmer now.

"Been here since this morning, who do you think lit the candles?" Jeff respondes, cracking a light smile.

You then remembered the man from outside. You take a step closer to the window and scan your eyes along the treeline.


Before you can say anything else you're both alerted to the sound of a loud smack and howling wind entering into the house.

"Another roommate." Jeff remarks, heading for the door.

"...hopefully" He adds.

The newest roommate stood in front of the door, soaking wet. You and Jeff looked down at him from the stairs.

"Power out?" He asked, plainly.

"Yeah." You both say in unison, heading down to meet him in the entryway.

After a moment, the new roommate speaks.

"Well- I'm Vincent but I prefer Vinny" The man proclaimed, putting on a friendlier tone. He extended a hand towards Jeff first.

Jeff paused before shaking his hand.


The man now known as Vinny turns to you next.

"Y/N, nice to meet you" You say, trying to be polite.

"Nice to meet you Jeff and Y/N." He smiles briefly. "Now I outta get out of these, I am drenched." Vinny laughs.

You and Jeff moved off the staircase for Vinny to find a room.

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