Tears sting at my eyes as I wait outside the emergency room, where V was receiving his life-or-death surgery. To sum it up in a quick breath, his father had been arrested, V had gone into heavy medication right away, and the doctor had told me two sentences that had destroyed my soul.
"It's a 40% chance of survival, 60% chance mortality. And if he does survive, then there is a very high chance that he will be mute for the rest of his life."
And then he'd just left me in the mess I was right now.
Looking at the bold, crimsoned words at the top of the double doors, all I wanted to do was just curl up into a tight ball and cry enough tears to shade that sign an even darker, redder color.
He could die today. He could die, and then I would be left all alone for the rest of my life. There was no second chances— he would be my first and last. Replacement was unthinkable— I'd rather die and join him than to think to find someone else.
And if by some sheer miracle he did survive, then I would never hear his voice again. His deep, rich, soft tone that I'd fallen in love with the first time he spoken to me. It had painted my skies with the beautiful color they were before, and had made me dream wonderful dreams every night.
"Tzuyu?" A surprised voice shocks me out of my depressed trance and I look up to find the bunny boy from a few days ago. Or had it been a week or two? It possibly couldn't have been any longer than that, could it?
"Jungkook." My voice is so thick and heavy with sobs that his expression laces with concern. Glancing up at the emergency room, and its occupied sign, a knowing look glints in his doe eyes.
"Is he badly hurt?"
"60% chance of death. Almost certain to lose his voice if he does survive the surgery. What am I supposed to do, Jungkook? Tell me what to do—"
I can see his face goes a dark ashen before he arranges his features back from the horrified one before. Was he trying to be strong for my sake?
"I've worried that it might've happened again." Jungkook sinks into the empty spot besides me, placing a hand on my trembling shoulder. If I hadn't been so shaky, I would've noticed how bad his own hand was shaking as well.
"His father— it's all his fault." My voice is quiet at first, but then it grows louder as I shift more blame upon the vicious, undeserving man. "Everything's his fault! He doesn't deserve a son like V— and neither does his sweet mother. I hope he rots a lifetime in prison— where he belongs."
Jungkook gives me a long look, making me uncomfortable under his observant gaze. Trying to break the silence, I ask something that I'd been curious about since he'd come to comfort me.
"How are you here?"
Jungkook fidgets for a split second, his gaze darting towards me to see if I'd noticed. I'd definitely did, but that didn't mean I couldn't pretend to be ignorant. I wanted him to be comfortable talking to me, instead of the other way around.
"It's a, um, hospital appointment."
My mind keeps flashing back to the emergency room, and I try so, so hard to distract myself with Jungkook. "I remember— your two friends. Suga and Jimin, wasn't it? The one with the phobia and the minty haired guy with the insomnia?"
A light blush warms his cheeks as he nods slowly. "You have a good memory," He admits, and explains. "Jimin hyung is afraid of being left alone. I think it was called auto phobia, but I'm not exactly sure."

A World of our Own | K.TH *COMPLETED*
Romance"Cry for me, love." "And I will die for you."