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"I want to go to that restaurant! You know, the one with all the shiny flashing lights and stuff!"

At the unexpected suggestion, I look up in surprise. The person who'd piped up was pretty predictable— of course it had been Jungkook. Who else would describe a restaurant that way?

Suga blows out an amused breath as he leans back sleepily into the long couch, eyes half-closed. "You mean that place with the meat?"

When Jungkook nods excitedly, Jin immediately starts jumping like the mature person he was. Unsurprisingly, Hoseok soon joins him in a duet waltz across the living room.

I guess it's been decided.

Turning to my side, I quickly touch V's arm. When he looks to me in question, I ask anxiously. "I know your fever is still pretty high. Are you sure you're okay—"

He cuts off my inquiry with a dismissive nod of his head, motioning that he was fine. When I still look unsure, he gets up himself and pulls me up to my feet.

It's okay.

The message is clear from his gestures and expression, so I reluctantly give in to his claims. With the way he's holding my hand too persuasively, I don't think that's exactly the case but I was afraid that he'd get angry at me if I dragged the topic on any further.

I didn't own him— he wasn't mine to control. He was his to control, and he'd made that clear several times already.

When we arrive at the restaurant, all heads in the entire building turn to us. At first I think that's it's because of how big of a group we were, but my assumption changes in a flash as a girl giggles and points at V.

Anger sparks my veins as the giggling grows louder. Were they laughing at him?

Then the same girl comes up to him a moment later, making my teeth clench. What was she planning to do?

"Can I have your number?"

The question completely steers me off track as the anger is quickly replaced with annoyance. But I had to admit that she was brave— braver than I would ever be, anyways. Just the thought of walking up to a complete stranger made my insides twist.

"Over here!"

Jin's call shocks me out of my thoughts as he waves from the other side of the restaurant. The other six are all seated around a round table, waiting for the two of us to join them.

When I look back expecting V to politely decline, the next thing he does includes absolutely zero of anything relevant with the word polite.

When he finds that the girl would just not move, he simply pushes past her roughly— wincing in disgust as the side of his arm touches hers. Guilt twinges through my heart when I see the girl's expression freeze.

Couldn't you be a bit more nicer than that?

But he doesn't give me another chance to let my thoughts get best of me as he pulls me towards the direction of the table. Flinching at the dirty look the girl gives me, I try not to meet V's eyes as he sits me down next to him.

"You know you could've been a bit more, I don't know, polite? She looks shook." I say, nudging his arm.

He shrugs nonchalantly, as if the girl wasn't worth a single second of his time. Then he tries to distract me from the topic by pushing me the thick, heavy menu book.

"We have to have pork belly," Jin stresses, already pointing out a variety of barbecue meats. "And the ribs are a must. How much are you guys going to eat?"

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