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The skies were clear, and the sun was shining without any drawback signs of rain and storms. So the rest of us had decided that it was too good of a day to waste sitting around in the drab apartments, and had dragged the other reluctant half— mainly Suga and V— out to Central Park.

V looks distracted and sullen as ever as he leans against a willow tree, looking out into the clear pool of water surrounded by rolling meadows. His eyes are blank and empty as I wave my hand right in front of his face, attempting to get his attention.

"V! Walk with me."

The other boys were out on the far side of the Park, catching fish and soaking themselves in the pool. I quickly point to a walkway lined with tall trees, which shadowed the path in an ethereal light of green.

Without giving him a chance to refuse, I pull him onto the gravelly trail. He gives me a faint smile as he loses himself in his thoughts again, his feet moving with mine but his mind staying in one place.

Disappointment wells up in my eyes as I blink it back down. What did I expect? The boys had tried so hard to snap him out of his everlasting reverie, and it hadn't worked. Not a single one.

So what made me think that I could?

Suddenly, something flashes in the corner of my eye— dark and impending doom. I don't realize the malice of it is directed towards me until it strikes me hard on the flesh between my shoulder and upper chest.

A sudden scream of pain tears out of my throat as fire sparks in my shoulder, sharp and intense. At my cry, V snaps out of his thoughts fast enough to catch me as my legs give out like crumpled paper.

When I try to look back to where I'd seen the shadow, the figure is gone— like it had just been in my imaginations. And then the pain is too much to bear, crashing down on me in violent waves.

V's face twists in pure horror as his eyes catch on my shoulder, his delicate features going taut with rage the moment after. Piqued by his reaction, I look down to almost faint at my own wound.

There's something sticking out of my shoulder. There's something impaled in my shoulder— and in my quickly blurring vision, I can't even tell what it is.

My mind goes hazy with fear as I gasp for breath, the pain bringing tears to my eyes. I can feel the cold steel embedded in my flesh— taste the metallic tang of blood in my lips. Like his body is the only lifeline I have before death, my fingers dig into his waist desperately.

I don't want to die.

Then I see his eyes go wild with panic and devastation as my own close with the wave that sweeps my consciousness away in its arms.

Don't let me die.

Time Skip

I wake up feeling sore all over— not the sharp kind of excruciating pain, but the kind that seems to suffocate me in its thick cloud. The heat of the room seems to make it even worse, and only then I realize that I'm back in this hospital that I just walked out of a week ago.

Despite the horrors that had just happened, I can't help but let out a soft, ironic laugh.

And I'd vowed to never come back here.

The nurse must be sick of us always coming in by now, considering that we'd been the hospital's best customer for a while.

All of a sudden, my thoughts are broken as I feel warm hands on my face— then my wrists, and onto shifting to interlock with my numb fingers. My body reacts so hungrily with the touch that I can immediately tell whose touch it is.

"V," I breathe, meeting his dark, worried gaze. His face looks so ashen pale that for a second I think that maybe he should be the one in this bed, not me.

Holding my eyes in a captivating stare, he starts to furiously scribble on a piece of paper. His effort is so rushed that I can barely tell what he meant in the messy calligraphy by the time he's done.

Why would someone throw a knife at you, Tzuyu? Did you see who it was?

I shake my head no in reply, recalling the faded shadow that had gone as quickly it had come. I'd been lucky to even catch the figure— it would be unthinkable to have caught his— or her— features.

But whoever the person was, they were skilled. It felt like even though they could've sent the projectile straight in between my eyes, or embed the weapon in my heart, they'd chosen the shoulder to target. The part where the wound wouldn't be fatal.

I didn't know whether to think of that as good or bad for my coming future.

His fingers are light and butterfly as it brushes across the bandages on my shoulder. As he traces a line down where the knife had gone through, I see his face tighten in rage and fury.

I wonder what he is thinking at the moment, but the one thing I can clearly tell is that he's very, very distracted with my life-or-death conflict. The remote look that had carved into his eyes are now completely gone, replaced with fire that I recognized from the V I was missing.

Maybe this hadn't been so bad after all.

What are you smiling about? This is serious, Tzuyu. Do you not understand how much danger you're in right now? It's no laughing matter!

My smile grows broader at his note, and his lips downturn into a beautiful frown. Muttering inaudible words under his breath that probably was something about me being insensitive, he turns around to open the door to my room.

Jungkook immediately bounds over to me, wrapping his arms around my body with a horrified expression on his face. The look on the bunny like seventeen year old is just so funny and unnatural that I can't help but giggle.

"I'm fine, Jungkook. Now if you don't mind, can I have some air?"

At my request, he lets me go so quickly I drop a few inches back onto the bed. And then he proceeds to apologize over and over again before I tell him that he's fine, and that I was fine as well.

While I reassure them that I'm completely okay, I catch V leaning back onto the doorway, a complex expression etched into his features. To my delight, he's everything except blank and empty as he buries himself in his thoughts.

Then a pair of chubby fingers snap in front of my eyes, and I look up from my daze to see Jimin glancing back and forth between me and V.

"I think you fixed him, Tzuyu."

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