"Okay," I tell V, my eyes sparkling with childish excitement. "I've told all the boys to come over in exactly ten minutes, so that's way more than enough time to hide you somewhere."
He tilts his head in question. "Why are we hiding me? Can't we just reunite like normal people?"
"Yeah," I admit. "But what's the fun in that? They haven't seen you for four years, Tae. It has to be a surprise. It just has to be."
"Fine," He submits, his tone that of defeat. But even though he was acting like this was the last thing in the world he wanted to do, I could tell from his expression that he was almost as excited to surprise them as I was.
"Where am I going to hide?"
At his reasonable question, I suck in my bottom lip as I look around the house. "Just a second— that's what the ten minutes are for."
"Nine now." He reminds me, watching the clock tick by. Not even a second after, he changes his answer to eight.
"Got it."
Unable to contain the gigantic smile threatening to fill my face, I quickly tell him the plan. Once the boys came in— they already knew what my passcode was— they would find the house quiet and seemingly abandoned.
They would probably call my name, look around a bit. When they got to my bedroom, though, they'd find me unconscious on the ground. Then they'd notice the shocking part— a robber bent over me with a knife in his hand.
"Okay," V interrupts me, eyes widened with disbelief. "You've watched too many movies, Tzuyu. Don't you think that's taking it a bit too far? Jungkook would literally hurl me out of the window— you know he's a ask questions later kind of guy."
"What do you suggest we do?"
Time Skip
"Hi," I say nervously, unable to contain my excitement as the six boys all poured into the apartment. "How are you?"
"Sleepy as hell. You better have woken me up for a good reason, Tzuyu." Suga grumbles as he immediately heads for the long couch in the living room. He did look very exhausted— dark shadows ringed his eyes and his voice was still raspy with traces of slumber.
"Why'd you call all of us here for?" Jin asks, dusting off white particles off the front of his shirt. It looked like salt— he must've been cooking. "You never do that. Not anymore."
"Uh," I stutter. "I just wanted to give you guys something. Since you've been so good to me, I felt guilty not giving anything back."
Gosh, V would be laughing his head off if he saw me like this. I hadn't been so anxious in my entire life.
And of course, Jungkook noticed.
"Are you okay, Noona?" He shrugs off his jacket and throws it over his shoulder, landing the garment perfectly atop the coat hanger. "You seem nervous."
"I'm fine. Just excited— nothing special, really."
"I hope you haven't been neglecting your anti—" At Jimin's worried remark, I practically lunge at the opportunity to interrupt.
"So!" I clap my hands together, now even more anxious than before. If V had heard that, he wouldn't leave me alone for the next month or two. "Do you want to see the present?"
When they nod, I motion for them to stay put in the living room as I hurry into the kitchen to retrieve small candles. I knew that boys absolutely hated them— maybe except for Jungkook, who always kept a freshener in his jacket pocket. He was very sensitive to how he smelled like, and preferred to have his surroundings smell fresh as well.
Of course, this was just to get their expectations low.
When I pass out the candles, Jimin immediately mutters as he tilts the lavender candle upside down to see if anything was hidden among the purple wax.
"Did you seriously get us c—"
He suddenly cries out in pain as he straightens up, murmuring gratitude instead. Judging by how Jin's foot was on top of his, that seemed to be the cause of his outburst.
"Thanks, Noona." Jungkook is really the one who looks grateful as he examines the gardenia-scented candle.
At the others' disappointed faces, I burst into sharp laughter as I point behind them.
"I'm just kidding, guys. The real present is behind you."
Hoseok is the first one to look, and he immediately starts screaming like a maniac as soon as he sees the real "present."
"Tae!" Namjoon exclaims in pure shock as all the others come to a numb standstill, which was what I'd expected. After all, I knew how it felt like from firsthand experience.
When V speaks, his voice clear and beautiful than ever, that seems to break the rest out of their self-induced trance.
I watch happily as Jungkook crushes V against his arms, lifting him right off the ground. V seems stunned himself as Jungkook carries him off away from the other boys, refusing their pleas.
"Jungkook— give us a chance!"
Like there's some invisible barrier the maknae creates around V and him, none of the boys attempt to get less than five feet radius from the couch Jungkook and V are on. Although the air is perfectly fine, the older boys watch in remorse as if taking even one step closer would immediately blow them to ashes.
Or to specify, Jungkook would blow them to ashes.
"Happy birthday, V hyung! Did Noona wake you up? Oh yeah, did you know that you're twenty three now? That's an entire three years older than me—"
If I had stuttered and struggled with my own words when I'd first seen him, Jungkook seemed like he had too much to say. The words flowed out of him so fast that V looked confused almost the entire time Jungkook occupied him.
When I notice that the others are starting to look depressed, I breathe out a sigh. Were these really dependable men in theirs twenties? They couldn't even face the maknae, who was so much younger than all of them.
"Alright, Jungkook." I say as I approach the two. "Let's be mature people and take turns."
The first time, he refuses so explicitly I nearly take an instinct step back. But finally, I convince him over and he reluctantly gets up from the couch.
"Fine, Noona. Because you said so."
"Thank you, Kook." I smile, noticing that the look of undeniable confusion still hadn't left V's face. At the moment he just looked so lost that I wanted to burst into laughter.
Who would've thought that the youngest could mess him up this bad?

A World of our Own | K.TH *COMPLETED*
Romance"Cry for me, love." "And I will die for you."