A straitjacket is the point we need to go to get V to stop destroying everything.
After I get some ice for Jin and Jungkook— they hadn't come out exactly well from the struggle to get V to calm down—, I try to sneak into where V is held. It wasn't right to leave him be alone when the situation was so dire. His emotions must be battered into rags.
When I come in, he's slumped against the farthest corner from the room. His face is turned away so I can't see his expression, and his posture is a mess— all angles and twists.
He hisses in a feral tone as his dark, dark eyes meet mine. It shocks me how black his irises are— they were usually a warm brown. But now it looks like he's crossed the line over from humanity into something that can't be described.
A sob breaks from my throat, harsh and violent, as I ignore the immense danger that I'm putting myself in. I didn't care— V wouldn't hurt me. He would never.
So I rush over to his side and wrap my arms around him, squeezing as tight as I could. He goes completely slack in my hold, and I think that he's calmed down. That he's back— back to V. My V.
And then he trembles, in a way that makes my heart skip a beat or two. He wants me to get the hell off of him— and with the harsh look on his face, I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted me to get out of his life entirely.
Stunned, my arms immediately unclasp from his body and I move away a few feet. If he wanted space, then that's what I was going to give him. If he wanted me to get out of his life, then as much as it would tear me apart, I would do so.
Something shatters in his eyes as he looks at me, his gaze remote and distant. All of a sudden, everything seems to come together— fit against each other into a puzzle that formulated V's mind and mentality.
He opens his lips, but it seems like he's already broken the word limit today. Frustration and self-hatred twists his features as nothing escapes— not even a single rush of breath.
Instead, he motions for me to undo the straitjacket that's binding his arms. By now, I don't even give a damn about the consequences if I do. His property, his life, his choice.
Gently, I unclasp each buckle of the jacket and pull the sickening thing off of him. He wasn't some kind of criminal— and so neither should he be treated like one. And if people argued that something was wrong with him mentally, his mind was perfectly fine. It was absolutely normal— in my book, anyways.
The moment I throw the garment away, he draws me in his arms like I'm some fragile doll— able to be reduced to ashes with one wrong move. His touch feels so familiar yet foreign that it makes my mind spin in confusion.
Regardless, I focus on the present. Now is all that matters— it does me nothing good to be trapped in the past, or be entangled in the possibilities the distant future may bring. Pasts and futures didn't give me the warmth of his skin— or the emotions churning in his eyes. Only the present did.
"I'm sorry for making you angrier when this was already happening. Driving was a stupid thing to do— but I don't regret doing it."
Dark amusement paints his face before any positivity melts back into the ever deep pit of sorrow and grief. Something sparkles in his eyes— something that I knew too well but had never gotten the chance to experience for myself.
Normal tears.
"It's better to cry than to hold all that back, you know. I won't judge you— how could I when I've probably cried more tears than to fill this entire hospital? I know how it feels— when a family member dies, and it's one that you cherished."
But when he still refuses to, I sigh. There was nothing to be ashamed of about crying— if there was, then I was technically supposed to be neck deep in the stuff.
"It's okay to cry."
The short sentence changes everything. It's like he's just waiting for someone to tell him that— give him confirmation about his doubts.
I feel his fingers tighten even further against the gentle curve of my back as tears escape from his eyes, hot and heavy.
"It's okay."
I echo the same phrase, bringing his body to mine. Under my firm grip, I can feel the slight tremble sweeping through his figure every second or two, aligning with the silent tears that seeps through the back of my shirt.
Him crying nearly makes me cry as well. I barely stop the blood welling in my eyes just in time with a sharp pinch on my skin— this was his, not mine. What would he do if I started crying as well? I had to remain strong, for his sake. I had to be his shoulder to cry on, just like he'd done for me for countless, countless times.
When he draws away hiding his eyes, I carefully pull his hands down. I don't want him to be thinking to hide his tears. It was nothing to be embarrassed of— absolutely not.
His eyes had come back to the golden brown shade from the pitch black I'd seen earlier. Keeping my eyes on his, I quickly pull down my own sleeves and gently dry the tears tangled in his lashes. It was like morning dew— the sheer clearness and beauty of each drop.
Such an amazing sight. Looking at the breathtaking phenomenon, I couldn't help the jealousy shooting through me like the fire of corruption. When I cried, the tears that escaped my eyes looked like hell itself. It was red, dark— the most deepest shade of crimson you'd ever find.
It was a horrifying thing to watch— which was why most people ran if I pretty much even sniffled.
V must've noticed how crushed my expression had become, because he kisses me in a way that should be considered illegal.
He's gentle with me— there's some kind of softness to the kiss, something that makes me go lightheaded with ecstasy. But I can sense a deeper meaning to it— a harsher meaning. And it burrows into me like water pouring in to fill an empty pool.
The sensation is so magical and enchanting that I'm simply entranced. The emotions that he transfers through the kiss is so polar, like fire and ice. Like the most extreme hatred and the most extreme kindness— and nothing dawdling in between.
But is there something wrong with me to label it as flawless?

A World of our Own | K.TH *COMPLETED*
Romance"Cry for me, love." "And I will die for you."