Let Me Do Something For You

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This chapter will have smut (But I warn you now, I write some pretty good smut and shit in my free time (We all have our hobbies!) but I'm not as good when I'm actually writing it for public eyes. If it sucks, it might be because I'm nervous and I'm trying to get out of dodge as fast as possible.) :3

Love ya guys,
-Gamergirl 129
Lewis and Will were sitting on the couch, cuddling as they watched a movie. The whole day was something out of a romantic comedy. Will had make Lewis breakfast in bed, just like he promised; he took Lewis to Little Venice, where they had a beautiful boat ride; he took him to his favorite restaurant, and treated him like a child by having the workers sing "Happy birthday" to him. Overall, this was one of Lewis's best days ever.

Will was quite the charmer, and Lewis absolutely loved it. Although the day was great, Lewis still couldn't help but feel guilty. Will was doing all this stuff for him. Spending all his money on him, coming all the way over just to keep him company, and making him the happiest man in the world.
'What have I done for him?' Lewis thought, nervously twiddling his thumbs. Will must've noticed because he paused the movie, and wrapped his arm around Lewis's shoulder. "What's up, Lewis? You okay, babe?"

"I'm sorry." Lewis simply said, hanging his head. Will looked confused, but chuckled slightly, "What are you sorry for? You haven't done anything."
"That's exactly what's wrong. I haven't done anything. I dragged you all the way out here, just so I wouldn't be alone. You've spent hundreds of dollars on me, and I haven't done shit for you. I know you just wanted to be nice, and I appreciate that, you're a great boyfriend. But I feel useless if I dragged you all the way out here and I don't do anything for you."

Will smiled slightly as Lewis spoke his mind, "Aw babe, you don't have to do anything. Your presence is enough for me."

"Don't do that to me, Will. I want to do something for you. Anything you want, name it and I'll do it."

Will smiled bigger as an idea popped into his head, "Well...there is one thing that we can do together." He said, running his hand up Lewis's thigh. Lewis shivered at that. "I-I mean, are we ready for that? It's not too soon is it?"

Will pressed a kiss onto Lewis's lips, "I don't know baby, it's your call. I won't rush you into anything you're not ready for."

Lewis smiled and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend. "Let's do it."
Will dove across the couch, pinning Lewis to the arm of it. He connected their lips again, giving Lewis a much more heated kiss. Lewis let out a muffled moan as Will slowly pressed his hips to his. There was very little space on the couch so Will broke the kiss, picked up his boyfriend, and carried him to the bedroom.

Kicking the door open, Will laid Lewis on the bed. "Will, just fuck me already." Lewis demanded,  glaring at the older male. Will smirked and practically ripped Lewis's jeans off, throwing them to the corner of the room. Will cursed under his breath as he saw the button fly off the pair of pants. "Shit, sorry! I'll buy you new ones—!"
"Don't worry, Will. I have plenty of pants. Don't freak out on me."
He reached for Will's pants, and carefully unbuttoned them. Will pulled them off the rest of the way and threw them to the corner of the room where Lewis's pants were. Will looked nervous but kept on going as he began to take off Lewis's boxers. Louis his his face in embarrassment as Will got them off and threw them across the room.  "F-Fuck me, Will." Lewis stumbled, still trying to sound sexy. Will looked around Lewis's table, "Do you have lube by any chance?" He asked, looking down at his boyfriend.

"Yes, in my top drawer. Just hurry."

Will opened the top drawer of Lewis's end table, and grabbed the bottle of lube. He didn't question why he had it, he just proceeded to pop open the cap and squirt some on his fingers.
(Oh God, I can't believe I'm doing this XD)

Will pressed a finger into Lewis, who gasped loudly at how cold it was. Will stopped,  "Are you okay?" he asked, looking concerned. Lewis nodded, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I-It's just cold, that's all!"

Will nodded and began pumping his finger into Lewis, who moaned loudly as it worked him. After a while, Will added another one, which caused Lewis to moan louder.
(Kill me XD this was a terrible idea)

After a few minutes of this, Will removed his fingers, and slowly pushed into Lewis, who groaned in discomfort. "Don't worry, it'll feel better soon." Will said as he smiled down at Lewis. Lewis nodded as he tried to relax. "O-Okay Will."

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Will started to move, which made both males moan softly. Will moved again, hitting a bundle of nerves in Lewis, causing him to moan loudly.
Will continued this for a while until both of them finished, and they knew that the neighbors probably heard them.  (Smacks head against the wall.)

Will pulled out of Lewis and collapsed next to him, panting and smiling, "Thanks for...letting me fuck ya, babe."  He chuckled, getting a slap from the younger male. "Shut up." He mumbled.

Will kissed Lewis's cheek, "I meant what I said earlier. You don't have to do anything for me. All I want is to be with you. Okay? Don't feel guilty about what I do for you. I want you to stay happy. I love you, Lewis."

"I love you too, Will."

(Please kill me, that was a nightmare to do because I didn't just use the keyboard, I used the microphone, which made it worse when I was writing this. So yeah, it wasn't perfect, but I tried, dammit! I fuckin tried!

I'm going to go die in a corner now.


-Gamergirl 129

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