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"Will, I told you I'm fine. Stop fucking worrying so much." Hailee slurred tiredly, leaning back against the car door to try and get some rest. The teen was slightly pissed at herself for everything she did. Pissed at the shit she put everyone through. The British male next to her just sighed and leaned back against his own seat, closing his tired eyes as well. Lewis looked back at them through the rear view mirror, a frown on his face as he noticed the angry look in the teen's eyes.

"We're not mad at you, Hailee.  We're just worried about you, okay?" the gamer gave her a sympathetic smile. The teen mumbled something under her breath, but Lewis didn't want to bother her and ask what she said; instead he just turned back around and continued to drive down the interstate calmly. Rose sighed too and looked back at her friend with the same sympathetic smile the Birmingham male just gave her. This time, Hailee smiled back slightly and dropped her angry demeanor, making Rose switch to a genuinely happy smile. The teen giggled. Rose was adorable. Everything she did made Hailee smile, no matter what. 

"We can just forget it happened, you know? If you want us to drop the whole thing, we will." Rose whispered, trying not to disturb the musician who had already fallen asleep against the car door. Hailee turned to him and chuckled at the sound of faint snoring. The English male was obviously exhausted. He had spent so much time getting his wedding planned and hadn't been getting much sleep. 

Hailee turned back to Rose, who was patiently waiting for a response, and her face dropped as she remembered the suggestion the author said. Could they really just forget the whole thing? Would everything remain neutral between the group if they did? Will seemed upset about it, and the situation had made Marshall cry. Were they really willing to just drop it? Maybe....It was worth a shot.

"Would that be okay with you--to just forget this ever happened?" The teen asked nervously, picking at her already-chipped nail polish. Rose nodded and reached over to grab Hailee's hand.  Goddamn, were her friends so supportive. Putting her comfort before their own. 

"Alright. Let's just forget it happened, then. When we get back to the house, I'll clean and bandage my arms, and...that'll be the end of it."

Lewis smiled again and looked back at her through the rear view mirror. "Thanks, Babygirl. You're so brave."


I'm so sorry it took so long to update! Writer's block really got the best of me these past few weeks. Hopefully that won't happen again!

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