chapter three

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even though she had only recently woken up, pogo had let florence rest after telling her the news.

just so she could wrap her head around things.

she was told by pogo to ring the bell when she was ready or needed anything.

as pogo shut the door to where florence was staying, he turned around to be met by diego.

"oh! master diego, you startled me. is there anything i can do for you?"

"how is she?" diego asked with a sad smile. florence has always been important to diego. she was his favourite sibling.

probably because she was the only one that he could stand.

diego knew nothing about florence being awake and had just assumed that pogo was checking up on her.

florence's resting room had always been out-of-bounds to her siblings. even though father had died, they still respected that one rule because they cared about their sister and did not want to disturb her in any way.

"she is doing well, master diego."

"was dad any close to finding a cure for her before she died? how is she supposed to come out of the cyro if he didn't find a cure?"

"your father's work was very confidential."

"that's not what i was asking, pogo. did he or did he not find a cure for her?"

"i must be on my way. i'm ever so sorry to cut this conversation short, master diego." and with that, pogo walked around diego's broad shoulders and down the corridor.

diego stared at the door, wondering what would lie on the other side. he imagined a huge container filled with ice, with his sister in it.


he turned around when a hand touched his shoulder.

"family meeting downstairs."

allison walked off with diego trailing behind her.

he sat down on a chair that was placed in front of the burning fireplace. above that fireplace, hung a large photo of five. dad had always believed he was still out there.

"so, i figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. say a few words, just at his favorite spot" luther began to make plans for his deceased dad's service.

"dad had a favourite spot?"

"you know, under the oak tree."

plans were made, snarky comments were thrown around between everyone. most of them came from klaus, things about cucumber sandwiches and playing tennis with hitler. he wasn't really in a sober state of mind.

the thing that set it all off though did not actually come from klaus, no matter how high and drunk he was.

instead, it came from number one.

the leader.


luther was implying that one of the siblings might've killed dad. diego just stated the obvious so that everyone could understand.

it wasn't luther's fault for thinking one of the siblings had killed dad. all of them didn't really like him.

the bell rang from florence's room. mother and pogo went to see if she was alright.

stood up next to her bed in the clothes mom had put out for her. she stood up straight when they walked in.

"i'm ready to see them again."

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