chapter five

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florence felt paralysed with shock.


it couldn't be... could it?

does he have any idea of the grief he put me through?

does he have any idea about all those nights i spent crying?

does he have any idea how many wishes i made for him?

for him to come back?

there he was.

leant up against florence's doorframe.


the cocky bastard was smirking. he obviously had no idea the pain he had put florence through.

the smirk was soon wiped off his face though.

well, more like slapped.

five held his cheek in pain. it was already beginning to turn red.

"what the hell was that for?! i thought you'd be happy to see me?!"

"happy? you expect me to be happy to see you?! you're such an asshole! you left me when i needed you the most."

florence dug a finger into his chest and pushed him back. although, he was stronger and taller.

"you have no idea what you put me through. why didn't you come back sooner? where did you go? where have you been for sixteen years, five? actually, don't even answer that. get out of my room." florence stepped back and tried to close the door, but was met with five's foot stopping it.

"i'm not going until you let me explain. i got stuck. in the future. i was there for forty-five years, flo. but, not one day went by that i didn't think of you and the others."

"why didn't you just time travel back? your smart ass got you there in the first place!"

"time travelling back? gee, i wish i'd thought of that!" five let his sarcastic side take over, "it's not that easy."

"it's not that easy? it's not THAT EASY? i'll tell you what's not easy. crying for you to come back every night. none of us had a clue if you were safe or not. if you were still alive! now, get out of my room before i drown your dumbass in water." and with that, florence's door slammed shut. it nearly broke five's foot in the process.

five hopped around, clutching the foot that got slammed by the door.

he limped back down the corridor, but was stopped by diego.

diego's room was the nearest to flo's. he could heard her crying every night.

"she wasn't lying when she said she cried every night for you." diego towered over five's thirteen-year-old body.

"and i wasn't lying when i said i thought about her everyday." and with that, five was gone.

diego glimpsed at florence's door. he walked over to it and opened it without knocking.

he knew she would've just told him to go away if he had knocked.

florence held her knees tightly against her chest whilst looking straight ahead. diego could see the tears that were rolling down her red cheeks.

"why, diego? why did he have to come back now? i know it's not his fault for me being angry at him, but i have every right to be."

"i know, i know. you just need some time to calm yourself down." gently, diego wrapped his arms around the small girl.

florence didn't hesitate to lean into his solid chest. "i've missed him so much. i guess seeing him again brought back the memories. i didn't mean to shout at him." she started to sob harder.

"flo, we all missed him and-"

"no one missed him in the way i missed him, diggy."

the nickname diego hadn't heard in years.

"he knew i was ill when he decided to leave. he knew i needed him. i needed all of you."

"flo, i don't think he knew how much you cared about him. he probably still doesn't know. come on, dad's memorial service is starting soon."

diego definitely did not want to go to his adoptive father's memorial, but he didn't have much of a choice.

"i need to apologise to him. i shouldn't have shouted. the only thing that matters now is that he's back."

"give it some time, florence. you're still emotional. i'll come and get you when the service is nearly starting."

florence wasn't in diego's arms anymore. a thought popped into her head just before he got to the door.

"wait, diggy! why does he look like he did when he was thirteen? he's been gone for over sixteen years. surely he would look more like you guys than he looks like me?"

"well i think it's more for him to explain, but from what he told us he went into the future and was there for a lot longer than sixteen years. when he came back, he messed up the time frames and now he looks like a thirteen-year-old again."

"how is that even possible? you know what, don't answer that. i'm going to get some rest. come and wake me up later."

"sure thing, flo."

diego felt sorry for the girl after he had shut her door. the blue raindrops were still painted on her door.

he had missed florence a lot. he had missed the way they used to play fight. he had missed the way she would block his knife throwing practice with her water. he had missed her in general.

although everyone was concentrated on luther and allison, diego still noticed the little, quick looks they would give each other when the other wasn't looking.

he just hoped it would work out for them, unlike his own romance.

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