chapter twenty three

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"wait a tick, wait a tick, wait a tick," klaus interrupted luther's brainstorming of a plan. allison and diego interrupted him as well, wanting to find out more.

"what actually happened the first time around?" klaus questioned luther.

"yeah, what are you not telling us?" diego's voice came from the other side of the bar area. his injured arm was now in a sling after what had happened the day before.

luther hesitated. he didn't exactly want to tell them.

"we died," he quietly mumbled and took a sip out of his coffee cup, hoping that no further questions would be asked.

"what was that?" allison asked curiously.

"we died."

the three siblings turned their heads to look at florence, who was sat on the couch that klaus was lent up against.

her voice was blunt and she had a blank expression on her face.

she was wrapped up in five's blanket and still had her pyjamas on. it was the first time she'd spoken since they had gotten back to the house the day before.

no one knew where five was or had any explanation for how he just disappeared without saying anything to anyone.

he didn't even say goodbye to florence.

the last time five had disappeared, he didn't come back for a very long time. who knows how long he would be gone now.

luther coughed, which made diego, allison and klaus all turn back to him.

"yeah, what she said."

the ones who had only just heard this news had very wide eyes.

however, they all carried on discussing and coming up with a plan. somehow, they all ended up gathered at the bar.

but not florence.

she stayed on the couch, hugging her knees to her chest under the blanket and staring into space.

"hey." a voice made everyone look over to the front, even florence.

vanya stood there with a man that some of the siblings hadn't seen before.

she looked over all of the siblings before asking what was going on.

the four at the bar struggled to answer her. florence zoned out once again, knowing that this conversation won't help with finding five.

a door slammed and luther continued to devise up a plan.

"what gives us the win this time?"


luther saying his name made florence snap out of her trance and look behind her to where they were stood.

"last time, we didn't have him. we weren't all together. this time, we'll have the full force of the umbrella academy. that's what we need."

"i don't know if you've noticed, but five isn't anywhere to be found at the moment. we don't have him. we don't have the full force of the umbrella academy. so, what're we gonna do without him, luther? we're gonna die, that's what will happen."

the room started to get colder. the windows began to freeze up and their breath's could be seen in the air.

florence had snapped.

she narrowed her eyes at luther, grabbed her blanket and stomped upstairs. klaus took her place on the couch and clutched his stomach.

"is it just me, or did she just make the room really cold?" diego asked no one in particular, looking at the windows.

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