chapter thirty

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three of the siblings stood behind luther in shock. florence began to tear up.

their sister, vanya, was shouting and screamed from inside the room that none of them knew existed until now.

but her shouts and screams were useless. only she could hear them.

florence turned her back at the sight, not being able to handle seeing her sister in this much pain.

klaus and diego argued with luther as to why they should let her out, but luther was adamant that she was to stay in the room.

"this is so messed up," florence turned around. her brothers went quiet, waiting to hear what she had to say.

"you can't keep our own sister locked up like a dog in a cage. she's our family and she's just discovered her powers and this is how you're going to treat her? you're unbelievable." and with that, florence stormed out of the bunker.

on her way up, she passed allison. florence was surprised to see her on her feet so early.

florence smiled at her, "hey al," she pulled her in for a short hug.

"please be aware of what's going on down there. try and talk some sense into luther's gammon head, he's being unreasonable."

allison nodded, "i'm so glad that you're okay. you gave us quite a panic." allison smiled and pulled her sister in for another hug before they went in their opposite directions.

florence made her way into her room and sat on her bed. she threw off her blazer and kicked off her shoes.

all of a sudden, a blue flash lit up the room and five appeared.

florence squealed, not expecting the unannounced entry, and chuck a snowball in his direction.

it hit five on the nose and florence giggled when she realised who it was.

five stood there with snow falling off his face, "what the hell was that for?"

"i'm sorry, you scared me. it's what you get for not using doors."

five slowly walked over to her. florence scooted as far away as possible from him. she knew exactly what he was about to do.

he charged at her and florence prepared herself.

five grabbed florence's sides and started to tickle her. florence screeched and flailed her limbs around, trying her best to get him off her.

this carried on for a good three minutes, before both of them were out of breath. florence lay back against the wall and five lay his head on her lap, giving her a chance to play with his hair.

"hey, floss?"


"i wanna take you out."

"but i don't wanna go out with you."

"okay, fine. have it your way," five's head shot up out of florence's lap and he started to tickle her again.

florence begged him to stop.

"i'll stop when you agree to let me take you out."

"but- but i don't want to." five tickled her harder. florence was struggling to get her words out between all the laughter.

"okay, fine. i'll go out with you." five stopped tickling her. florence had a massive grin on her face, but five had an even bigger one.

"see? it wasn't that hard," five returned to his position with his head on her lap and florence's fingers tangled back into his hair.

"i just figured that since the world isn't gonna end anymore, we can actually relax. and i can go on a date with my favourite girl."

florence laughed, "five, i'm the only girl you know besides from allison and vanya."

"oh yeah? maybe i'll go and ask that girl from the library instead. you know, the one who couldn't keep her hands off me," five smirked, wanting to annoy florence.

she rolled her eyes, "don't you dare."

"it felt so good when she was feeling my jawline. i wish she would've-" five felt florence's fingers leave his hair and she crossed them over her chest.

five laughed at her jealousy. he sat up and leaned in closer to her face. "aw, baby. you know i'm only joking. you're the only girl i want feeling my jawline."

florence couldn't stay annoyed. she pulled his face closer and kissed him. she wrapped her arms around his neck and his automatically went to her waist.

the kiss got more intense as florence tugged off five's blazer and one of his hands rested on her thigh.

but they were interrupted by the whole house shaking and a massive bang.

they pulled away immediately and hopped off the bed. five put his blazer back on, and flossie grabbed hers and slipped her shoes back one. both of them went into the hallway. both of them were confused and worried. klaus, diego, luther and allison all came rushing into the hallway with the same expression on their faces.

pogo came hobbling down the hallway as fast as he could, "we need to get to safety outside the academy."

five grabbed florence's hand as the siblings went in pairs and started to run as fast as he could whilst still having a slight limp. he took them both upstairs to his room where the set of stairs were outside of his window.

"come on, we need to go."

he let florence go first, not wanting her to get hurt. although, she still kept her hand in hers, not wanting to lose him at all.

they made it down the stairs before the academy crumbled into pieces. florence had no words.

without warning, five let go of her hand and bent down to pick something up off the ground.

a newspaper.

he read over the headline and his face went pale.


five took florence's hand back in his and ran around to the front of the academy was before florence could ask any questions. they were met with allison, luther, klaus and diego.

five slowed down as he approached his siblings, newspaper still in hand.

"guys, this is it. the apocalypse is still on. the world ends today." he announced.

"i thought you said it was over."

"i was wrong, okay? this newspaper, i found it in the future the day i got stuck," five waved the newspaper around.

"hey, five?" florence said before he could continue. all of the hargreeves looked at her, waiting for her to carry on.

"can we still go out?"

i know that five wasn't in the house when it went down but for the sake of the story and dolores not existing, he was there

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