Chapter 5

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"Por?" Godt was shocked the moment he saw his father sitting comfortably on his swivel chair on his office. It's been ages since he last saw his father. After he bequeathed the hospital to Godt, his father decided to live in Quebec and settled down there for good. It's been ages since the last time he have seen his father. Godt can see a visible wrinkle on the corner of his father's eyes. The same cold eyes stared at him. He can still feel the superiority towards his father even tho he aged.

"He performed an operation, I heard?" His monotonous voice thundered the whole room, even with the voice of an old man, the same cold facade can still scare the hell out of Godt. He sighed and nodded.

"You seemed to forgot what 'I've' personally asked you, Godt." The coldness on his voice made Godt shivered. Damn this old man and his feels.

"Por.. It's been ages... Can I.. Please.. Don't include me with the your feud." He stared at Godt before slowly shook his head no. The evident look of disappointment was written all over his face.

"You are contradicting me for that insolent bastard?!" The thunderous voice boom inside the room making Godt jump out of surprised. He smashed his walking stick on the table while glaring at Godt. Mr. Anthonachar don't know what's with that kid that all of the men around him disobey him for Krist. Just like his wife.. and now Godt, his favourite son.

"Listen here young men." Godt automatically look at his father. "Don't you ever disobey me again for that bastard of a kid! Stop siding that faggot and listen to your father!" Godt slammed his hands on the table, he was mad the moment he heard what his father said. He already reached his limitations. Godt doesn't know when did this all start but his father is out of control. He is fuming mad in front of his father.

"No! You listen to me, father! This is all too much! Your wrath towards Krist is too much! You are at your own limit! Calling your own child as a faggot?! Por! You are being irrational here! I don't know when did this start but can't you just accept who he is?! I am what you are calling Krist too and you didn't even have an issue on it. Krist is your son too dad! You are favouring me too much, and I do not like that idea Por! Stop this!" Godt sudden outburst made his father looked at him ridiculously. Godt don't know what's on his father's head right now but he didn't let himself intimidated by those stares. But even with those facade he can still feel his knees trembled.

"That insolent child you are calling brother killed your mother!" And there goes his irrational excuse again!

"Por! Mei died because of car accident! It's an accident Por! Come on!! Open your famn eyes! It's been ages dad!" Godt tried to argue! What did he expect? Godt knows his fatger is still blaming Krist for tge death of his mother.. but it's not Krist's fault, it is not. Godt can feel his irritation towards tge old man in front of hi. Mr. Anthonachar shook his head no, not accepting any of Godt's explanation.

"He broke his promised, Godt. I will make his life miserable."


Krist entered the lab room with a knit eyebrow. His research team which consist with Tae, Tee, Kimmon, Copter and Bass looked at him with confusion.

"Call P'Jane, tell him to bring Knot on in my room, now!" He said before walking on his room. A loud thud was heard the moment he closed his door, with a loud crashing sounds came next to it. (a/n: Knot/Arthit ghostship here😂)

"I think.. You need to call Knot know." Tee said concerned about Krist. He knows him too well, Tee can read Krist like an open book whenever his not in the mood. It's either he has a problem persuing Singto or a much deeper reason was behind it.
Krist wouldn't be so pissed to the extent that he would call Knot if his just frustrated about Singto, maybe his back. Krist father. The old man is back.

Copter hurriedly went out to call P'Jane and tell him what's happening. Meanwhile Kimmon abruptly stands up and call the security team. He don't know why but he has abad feeling towards what's happening to Krist right now.

"Made the system lock from the outside I will handle all our system from now on. Do not let any invitees inside, just the members. Tighten the security." He reminded the head of security before dropping the call. After saying those, he quickly went to his computer and started to lock all the secret passages on VIP room up to the club and lab. He doesn't want to have a trouble on their security system that's why from now on, he will handle all the security in this place. Every files on this lab will be directly saved on his personal computer which can only be accessible with his thumb mark. They never saw Krist's wrath, they only saw it once. It was the day that his por barged on the club and cursed the hell out of Krist. 

Minutes later Copter walks in the cameo door with the sexy host, Knot. The gorgeous huge like a bear host nodded at his boss', his head held high before heading towards Krist's door.

That host is practically Krist's favourite. His yummy Knot, that's what he called him. The atmosphere around them suddenly changed.. it became hot..

"Damn! I just got hard seeing that huge man!" Bas abruptly squeal while still drooling at the door where the host went. It seems like they forgot that a storm was about to come and crash them in. The atmosphere became hot, maybe it's because of the host's sex appeal. Tee cling in Tae's shirt.

"Tee.. Let's go to our room na." Tae whispered. Tee looked at his Phîi before nodding.


"You hear me, Singto? This will be your last chance.. Last freakin' chance." He stared coldly at his Father's eyes. He can't reckoned anything he just said just now. He sighed before nodding. He can't do anything but to nod his head yes. What would a mere lieutenant can do in front of his captain? He can't do anything but to follow his boss's orders even though it's against his own will. His father leave him without even asking what happened to him or asked about his condition. He didn't even asked if his okay. He wanted to breathe, damn! He's so stressed at the moment! Can't he not think about work for the mean time? Damn! After this mission he will surely make a leave! He wanted to freakin' relax for a bit.

Aside from that, there's a lot of things that's been bugging his mind. It's been three days since he last saw Krist. The last time he saw him was the time he dry humped Singto.. And that has been tattooed on his mind. He doesn't know why, but it seems like he had been Bewitched by Krist.

Singto has a lit of tgings going on his mind.

After he messed up with my mind he would runaway from me? Singto tsked while glaring on to space. He can't get enough of that man, ut seems like he played Singto in his palm. Make Singto crave for him so much! If he would think Singto will let him passed, he thought wrong?! No! He wouldn't... He wouldn't because after all, he is his mission.


Mr. Temptress (KristSingto AU) (M-preg)Where stories live. Discover now