Chapter 7

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Today is the day the research team has awaited. The equipments are all carefully installed at the Operation room for this operations. This is the most special day for everybody. Bass was busy monitoring Krist who is asleep from the past two days to prepare for this operation. They sedated him to make him rest before the operations. Kimmon and Copter were pushing a large incubator were Krist's body was placed in. They needed to control the environment for Krist's safety. On the right side of that incubator, a monitor was place to watch Krist's statistics and data's. Even in the o.r the whole place were in control because this operation is crucial for everybody. They are about to do a history in here and they just wanted to do it perfectly. Unlike before, they don't want to make any mistakes now. This is their last straw. It was Krist's life were on the line.

Once the incubator was settled, Kimmon hurriedly went to the computer room just beside the O.R to monitor the temperature of the incubator and the O.R. The sound of the tapping of keyboard was the only thing you can hear inside the computer room, a lot of monitors were producing a lot of data's for the operation. A lot of codes, ciphers and analytical data's that he'd save were running from the computer screen. He looked at the screen where a camera was focused on Krist's. He sighed before clicking the 'enter' button.

"I hope this works." He mumbles to himself while looking at the screen.

Bass who is assigned to monitor Krist's heartbeat were excited. This is the day he'd been waiting for. He can't wait any longer to start this operation. He looked at one of the machines in front of him, this machine will make Krist heart frozen and halt his heartbeat for an hour. That hour is the most sensitive hour they'll spend. If they can't finish placing Krists artificial womb in his body correctly, Bas doesn't want to think about the consequence of it. Just like the other bearer they have operated, he doesn't want that to happen to Krist. And being the cardiologist here, Bas needed a lot of concentration he can get just to make this impossible thing possible. He wouldn't want to let Krist down, he wouldn't want to let this research team down.

As for Copter, he would be the anesthesiologist and at the same time a scrub nurse the towards the whole operation, with the help of his robot nurses that had been always part of the operating team. Copter stared at the tools they'll use for the operation. It was neatly placed on the table, they don't want any contamination during the operation that's why they are new and well prepared. The operating room are on sterile state and so they are. He sigh before seating at one of the chairs. The truth is, he is nervous, under the suit he is wearing, he is sweating bullets not because of the hotness of the room but because of nervousness. Krist have told them that they needed to be open minded with this operation, they have to be open for all the possibilities they will get throughout the operation because even though they are prepared, they always knew that every operations have flaws. There are no such thing as perfection. Copter is silently praying for Krist's sake. He hopes for a successful operation

The loud and blaring music was replaced by a melodic sound inside the club Entice. The club was in a temporary closed, the club members was all on leave and so did the crews and hosts. The melodic tune of Chopin's was playing across the hall. All of the chairs was placed upside down the table, the only light source you can see is a lamp beside the bar stool. Meanwhile on the VIP lodge, were the melodious music were playing, P'Jane was nervously sitting on one of tge couches there. He is biting his lips while praying to all the Gods he knew. His babies were about to face a big trial. The club was always closed It was always like this whenever they operate a bearer but today is different. Yes, Jane knows everything. P'Jane is one of the few people Krist trust on. Krist who talked to him before the operation told him the possibility that, he hopes not, he won't wake up from that very bed if they mess up even for once. He entrust the club to P'Jane and made Jane promised that he won't open the VIP lodge ever again. The hosts will receive a compensation for them to start a new life. And of course, Krist made sure that the club will legally become one of P'Janes property. P'Jane thought about how kind Krist's towards him. He won't forget everything that kid did to him.

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