Chapter 9

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This chapter is the flashbacks on what happened from the past two months after Krist's operation

"He is not awake yet." Kimmon heaved a sigh while staring at the temperature of Krist's incubator. They are all careful not to contaminate the room where Krist is staying. It's been a week but there is still no development about Krist's condition. They are all afraid, afraid that they made a mistake during the operation.

"Still in coma." Bass murmured while looking at Krist's chart.

He sighed, he looks at one of the monitors in the computer room. He looks at where Krist is. Is their hard works will go to waste? He thought to himself.

He looks at one of the screen where an X-ray like image where being shown. The incubator has an X-ray for them to be able to monitor Krist's womb. The womb were safely intact in his body.

A few days later a screaming Copter disturbed the silent lab in the club. Bass, who is about to get laid rushly wore his clothes and run towards where Copter is. Tee who is busy looking at Krist's data jumped out of surprised because of the screamed, he too, rushed towards Copter. He can feel his heart raised because of nervousness. A lot of 'what if's' were running on his thoughts. He is afraid for Krist's being..

He abruptly opened the door after he wore the scrub suit. He looked at the people around the room. He looks at Tae who has an unbelievable expression written on his face.

"What happened?" He asked them. He looks at everyone, they all have this unreadable expression while staring at Krist's body. He quickly push Tae off in front the incubator to check what the heck is happening.

"What the shit.." He uttered. He can't believe what he is seeing right now. Krist body.. It's different. He don't know why but just by seeing Krist.. Shit.

Krist seems to be more slimmer than before. He looks at Bass.

"I don't know. I checked him every two hours everyday! I checked his ivy too, all the nutrients he needs were there. I didn't know what's happening, okay! I did everything you said.. I don't know." Bass quickly said. He too, is worried about Krist.

Tee sigh. He don't know what's happening he's worried too and the lack of sleep and tiredness is not helping him at all.

"It's okay," he murmured "I've checked him awhile ago. Maybe it's because of the utero. I think we need to work double this time," he spoke while staring at the man sleeping in that room.

A sigh was heard from everybody before they decided to work their asses, again.

From the next few days, they have stayed up all night just to monitor Krist's body. Except from the changes on his physique, everything from him seems normal. The stitches from the operation is gradually healing, it's been three weeks and they are now removing some of his stitches and putting ointment to not get scar.

They already talked to Godt when the older man went to asked for Krist. Of course with the help of Bass. Yester, they have seen dome signs that Krist will wake up anytime sooner.

"Where is Krist?" Tae, who is talking to Singto simply sighed. It's been days since he started to pester everyone asking for Krist whereabouts.

Tae looked at the man in front of him, he is handsome. Tae thought. Well, if you look at him, that is actually the first thing you will notice. He has this sensuous cold eyes, that if you stare for too long you would practically drown. His features were all manly. Even just by staring at him, you would know he has this cold personality. Typical handsome police officer.

"Khun'Jane have told you already. A thousand times. That Ai'Krist went to Boston." He said. Singto has this unreadable expression written on his face. He is not believing whatever this Khun is saying to him. Tae sighed when Singto turn away from him and started to walk out the bar.

Days and days have passed, at exactly 5 weeks. Krist's miraculously woke up! There's a lot of fuss going on in the club that day. Everyone knew that Krist were in coma but they don't know what's the reason behind it, they'd just warned everybody that whoever leak the information will severely be punished, and punishments are what the hosts fear for.

"How are you?" Tee asked his friend. Krist who is now seating at a normal bed just nod.

"I do not now.. It feels so.. I.. I feel light." He stuttered. He looked at his hands, he don't know why but it feels like he was staring at someone else's hands. It feels weird. His hands look slender.

"You see Krist.. You are on a state of coma for a month.. And.. There are some minor.. Changes in your body.. You see, we didn't deduced this but we thought that the.. Womb.. The womb is causing some.. Imbalance on your body.." Tee wanted to tell Krist this information slowly.. to not let his friend be surprised about the changes on his body. They slowly explained to him what happened. As a doctor himself, they shown him a copy of his stats for the past few weeks. The records and datas were accurately explained thoroughly.

They told him everything that they did while he was asleep. Even the tiny details about the drops that supply his body was discussed. They explained and told him about their deduction about the womb and the counter parts of it. They actually brainstormed after Krist's woke up. They opened up to him about the changes and advantages about the uterus on his body. They even showed him the video of his operation and Krist watched it with amazement written on his face. He is praising the team and congratulated them because of their hard works and efforts.

After almost staying at the sterile room for about three weeks upon awakening, Krist who is now slowly healing, decided to transferred him to an ordinary room to check whether there will be some changes on his body. After that, they exposed him to a room that changes weathers that they invented too, considering every possibility about Krist's condition. Any circumstances that is fatal for the latter's body.

After the thorough observation, the research team gave Krist the go signal to perform their initial plan. The last step of this research. He just needs the sperm donor to fuck him. To test whether this experiment will have a positive outcome. If all the hard works and sacrifices was all worth it.

Krist carefully caressed the only scar on his body. It was a four inches scar on his chest. He specifically told them to do not erased this scar on his chest, where his heart were located. This will serve as his momento of the operation he undergone. He wanted to have, at least, one thing that will remind him about the history they'd about to make. They made. He looks at his self at the vanity mirror on his room. He looks different. He was a bit lean now that can be mistaken as a woman's body.

Tee said this is one of the side effects of the uterus. He stared at his eyes in front of the mirror before heaving a sigh.

"Krist, are you ready?" He looked at himself again in the mirror before wearing the tight coat he will use for tonight's show. It was one of the things he loves to do before all of this shit happened. He loves to perform in front of many people. And now after months of not performing, he wanted to show on his own world what he really wants to do. To get lost on his own little world.

"Yupp.. I'm about to go out." He answered. P'Jane smiled at him before nodding. He walks in the backstage, he get the mic ready before he started singing and dancing in front of the crowd.

"... Can't keep my hands to myself.."


Just a small chapter for this one.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for supporting my stories, especially those who are voting and commenting and adding it to their reading list! Thank you so much! I apologise for neglecting them for a few months. I am currently reviewing for my upcoming entrance exam on one of the University here in the Philippines and it's taking all of my freakin' time that's why.

But I promise you guys, I would at least update one of my stories once or maybe twice a week, depends on the situation. But anyway, thank you so so much for the love and support.

Thanks again 😊!!

Mr. Temptress (KristSingto AU) (M-preg)Where stories live. Discover now