Chapter 5 : The missing chain

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Chapter 5 : The chain

Jack was so excited the next day that he woke up before everyone else. Saturday could not come at a better time, he thought as he furiously brushed his teeth. Jack and Oliver had planned to meet at the shelter to assist Dr Taylor.

Jack finished his breakfast cereal and left a note on kitchen counter as he headed out to the garage to get his bike. "@ NAS, Jack" read the note stuck under the cereal box as he munched on the cereal in his hand on his way out.

He put on his helmet and rode as fast as he could towards the shelter. It was nearly 8.15am and the shelter will open shortly. Just as Jack was about to reach the shelter and turn into its yard, he heard someone calling out. As Jack tried to look back and see who it was, his bike's front wheel hit the curb and sent him flying into the drain that led towards the river. Jack landed head first into the open drain that was big enough to fit a shopping cart.His chain became tangled onto the edges and snapped right off his neck. The bump onto the drain wall knocked him out cold. His bike lay a tangled mess in the shelter gardens, front wheel bent out of shape. Meanwhile Jack lay motionless in the drain.

Jack had never taken off his chain ever since he had received it from his friend Jacob after their visit to Aldonia. Jack had worn it as a souvenir more than anything else. For the first time since then, it was not around his neck and worst still it wasn't anywhere in sight as Jack tried to open his eyes after feeling something wet on his face.

Jack opened his eyes and saw water being splashed on his face by Oliver. Dr Taylor was busy cleaning up the small cut on his forehead that he received from the fall in the morning. Jack remembered the morning and then about the hound from the previous day when he came about his senses. He asked Oliver to check up on the puppy. Oliver didn't move nor respond to any of questions. Instead he looked sorrowfully at Dr Taylor. Jack sensed something was wrong.

"Oliver, what's wrong? Where is the puppy?" Asked Jack beginning to get anxious. Dr Taylor spoke up to explain "Jack, we had a incident last night after you left. I closed up the shelter and went home after finishing up my work. I received a call from Nicole this morning when she came in to open up. Someone had broken in to the shelter, and had ransacked everything. In doing so, broke open the kennels and cages and when they must have left, they left the doors open."

Jack's heart broke at the thought someone would do such horrible things at such a caring place. "What would they be possibly looking for here?" quivered Jack's voice as he asked Dr Taylor.

"We are suspecting they must have been looking for money or even drugs. When they could not get their hands on either, they must have left. Now what we do not really know if if they stole the animals from the shelter or the animals had wandered out on their own at night after the incident. They damaged the CCTV as well and took of with its DVR so we do not have any idea of what actually happened. The cops have come in and taken their details for their investigation." Continued Dr Taylor. "The hound puppy amongst the others is missing so far also."

Jack felt his heart sink further into his belly as Dr Taylor confirmed what he was thinking may be the case. He put a brave face on for everyone and said "We can help you look for the animals and the things that may have gone missing." as Jack groped around his neck to feel for something that he felt was missing. He started looking around and appeared frantic.

Oliver became concerned and asked Jack "Hey is everything ok?What happened? What are you looking for?" Jack replied "I think I lost my chain when I fell earlier."

"Oh, lets go and have a look where you fell." Said Oliver and assisted Jack get up.They went and searched around the area where he fell. There was no trace of the chain anywhere.

Jack knew without the chain he had no way to get in touch with Jacob. Jacob would have been very helpful in this situation. He would have been able to look up what happened here in Aldonia and this case would be solved, thought Jack. If only there was a way to get in touch with Jacob without the tag.

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