Chapter 13: Curiousity killed the...

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Miles filled Jack in with Faligi and his escape "Jack, Faligi had created a super form that changed form using ferrokinetics. It had the ability to draw iron from any source and absorb into its body. This meant it could make use of the abundant supply of iron that was available in Earth's core to using the trace amounts that were available in the living organisms. However Faligi had traced somehow from his research, he defensively had said, but everyone suspected he had travelled to Jurassic era for it to happen what he was suggesting, that dinosaur blood had a much more available levels of iron as the hemoglobin to cell ratio was extremely high. Faligi had access to algorithms from the Consulate that was provided to him to provide uninhibted resources to him. That included him altering the code structure that we still use, but it is only limited to instant periods in this current docks that we are now authorised for use. Faligi had devised a way around it to dock him to any time period without making use of any actual dock location as is now required for this current dock that Club is installed with."

"You mean to say, your things that was there so many millions of years ago, was becoming so progressed that you actually had to dial it back to what you have now?" a confused Jack summised from the Miles explanation.

"Exactly, Jack" answered Miles "We had to dial things back a notch especially after the incident that cost Earth an entire species due to Faligi's curiousity. So Faligi escaped from Aldonia and proceeded to a time instance when dinosaurs were alive into the Jurassic era with his biomechanical Glyptodonia that he had enhanced with magno-ferrokinetic features whereby it could draw iron from any source it was faced with. Glyptodonia was also provided with infinity storage which meant they had the ability to transfer iron from its source and route it through themselves to its infinity storage that Faligi had provided for it in Aldonia. The infinity storage was designed in a way to never reach capacity. Other Aldonians than later used that model of designs in Cap-pods, which I believe you have used while in Aldonia. The infinity models have unlimited capacity in anything that model is used for, whether it be physical vessels like Cap-pods or storage features that the Glyptodonia was equipped with."

"So by the time Faligi and his Glyptodonia were done collecting their fill of ferrous extracts from the dinosaurs, that left the dinosaurs very weak and vulnerable. The once fierce and ruthless with ability to withstand anything that was thrown there way, were now weakened to such an extent that they were not able to recover at all after the K/T extinction event. After the impact of the comet, there were still many dinosaurs who had survived the crash in their protective nests and undergound caves that they had. However, their bodily systems were weakened to such an extent after the massive iron extraction after which they did not have much time for recovery when the asteroid hit earth, that almost none of them made it afterwards. The comet had caused serious damages to almost all the dinosaurs and earth, but there were plenty dinosaurs still walking around, even though rather weakly afterwards. They would have even recovered had it not been for Faligi and his Glypotodonia, literally sucking out their blood. Hence the dinosaurs literally had very little chance of surviving the extreme heat when the crash happened. Those who did manage to survive were too weak to recover from the strain of blood loss and the environmental upheavel."

Jack was lost for words for a few moments when he realised how huge Faligi's truancy was and how much it had cost earth that it had to be paid with the extinction of such a magnificient species of animals.

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