Chapter 10: The missing ASV

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Chapter 10: The missing ASV

The ASV looked much like a compact space shuttle. It had only 2 seats and was encased in a thick windshield all the way to the top and also had the encasing ability where it could resize itself to carry more than 2 passengers as well. It  also seemed  like a rocket ship combined with fighter-jet more than anything else as it rotated in the projection display,thought Jack as he mulled over the projection that Miles directed over Club's display unit in trying to explain to Jack what had gone missing in Aldonia.

It had propulsion system located at the rear, perhaps for flying if it needed or even for motion while below surface, Jack noted. The wheels looked more like belts with treads on it drawn all along the side to the back. Maybe for movement on any surface, Jack thought to himself. Then the projection animated and it demonstrated the capabilities of the ASV, from shape conformations to re-scaling to other things that went over Jack's IQ.

The ASV was a state of the art special craft that had immense capabilities, which if had fallen into the wrong hands could have the capacity for massive destruction. The Aldonia Subsurface Vessel had so many applications in search and rescue missions that Aldonia carried out in most situations while remaining in the shadows, where the humans had been stranded without any means of rescue. It had been built to penetrate through any surface, without tearing up the surface it went through.

Aldonia had successfully trialed a Rescaler experiment on fish in which the fish could rearrange its cellular and atomic structures to make itself adjust in size to squeeze through any sized opening. Jack with his cousins had witnessed this first hand when they visited Aldonia previously.

After the success of that, the Aldonians had imported the concept into stand-alone mechanisms like the ASV. With this ability, the ASV could penetrate through any barrier and come out the other side in whichever size that it needed. The passengers in the ASV would not feel any difficulty during this phase as the passengers can port out of the ASV once it began its process and returned to the ASV if they needed to after the process. If they did not want to return, the passengers always had the option to travel virtually and then dock into position once they reached their destination.

Club was the first generation Deagle, that had this feature where he could be the Transponder Re-generator for the docking to and from Aldonia and also possesed the Rescaler functionality like the fish and ASV. As such Miles had the option to dock himself in and out of Aldonia at his will by using Club's Transponder Re-generator by leaving his exvatar,his external avatar, in his place while he was away at Aldonia instead of with Club.

Where ever Club was located when Miles decided to return, Miles would again resume from that location by replacing himself in place of the external avatar or if he wanted he could also send his invatar instead that would display the inner-self of Miles instead of his external appearance. This feature made anyone out on a mission more threatening if they switched to their invatar instead of the exvatar. As the Aldonians, had always known that what everyone felt on the inside would not always necessarily mean that was what they were showing on the outside.

Hence if anyone felt tall and brave, even if they were not so tall and not-so-brave in their actual build, their invatar would resemble their inner-feelings by morphing it onto the external appearance and then displaying the avatar. This morphed avatar would project the exact feelings onto the appearance as someone tall and brave rather than showing actually how they would physically appear externally.

In one of the initial tests that Miles ran for this invatar experiment, he was shown a graphical and realistic visualization of a pack of ravenous Fearbears in his immediate surrounding. Fearbears were huge beasts that were covered in body hair all over and stood towering at over 8 feet at times when aggressive. The face were usually elongated with one opening only in the middle.

This opening changed to suit their purposes. The eye, as big as a dirt covered greasy and grimy blood red tennis ball, would be in the opening if the Fearbear didn't need to use it for other activities. While it always dual-ed as a hearing device for them, it was also converted to serve as entry and exit into its alimentary canal. When needed to consume anything, they would bring the eye forward on a tiny tube that originated just above the opening, out of the way of the gaping and stinky socket and reveal their grinders. The state of their grinders could send any decent dentist into a state of shock and coma. Not only did the grinders appear filled with abscess and looked decayed beyond the point of black rot but seemed it would crumble on the very next bite. That abscess and decay was in fact a healthy sign for the Fearbears and indicated a lethal bite if used on any healthy individual that it could attack.

Their appendages had ten digits on each of the two upper limbs that had 2 razor sharp probes extending from the end of each digit. The appendages themselves formed part of the body and did not extend much further than beyond a foot each. However the probes could extend much further than their entire height. Each probe was inserted into each orifice to suck out the needs of the Fearbears that they required from their victims. One of the probes was also used to shoot fear into their victims if they tried to use their invatar in front of the Fearbears, while the other probe would drain the victim of any sense of resistance, whether it be in their thoughts or characteristics, to make them totally vulnerable.

The lower appendages were covered with rather spiky and short sharp growths on each of the 4 main limbs that each had another short limb extending from the bottom half. This limb extensions when used by the Fearbears increased its height by at least more than 3 feet from its usual. The 4 lower limbs supported its rather round and spherical mid-section that ended in a very spiky tail that dangled between its 4 outwardly bent limbs underneath its round bottomed mid section as it normally stood. No one could outrun the Fearbears as they could travel in any direction and without warning could change direction while on the run. The main orifice could travel to any location on its body but it was usually on its head region. Whichever direction the Fearbear traveled, could become it front if it wanted.

Miles felt very threatened and mentally he knew his chance of survival dictated that he be brave in the times of threat. Even though instinctively, Miles was prepared to run but deep inside he knew he had to stand up to it. The invatar picked up his inner most true feelings and projected such a threatening stance to the Fearbears that they retreated. Fearbears are otherwise known for their inexorable stances in the face of adversity. For them to be scared away, it would take a really frightening and even more menacing form to give them that scare. Invatar and exvatar tests proved successful when Miles, who otherwise was an average Quotidian, had projected his inner-self invatar instead which sent the Fearbears fleeing from him.

The ASV was equipped with a very powerful defensive spectrum splitter. This used any source of light for its power and other features. The ASV was generally designed to run on any form of light source or spectrum. The on-board features and functions had specific spectrum of light which it needed to power for its use. Any spectrum that remained unused was diverted to power the running of the ASV. Whichever spectrum it used, its exhaust was always clean white light that it added back to the environment it occupied. The ASV could power up its portable light magnifier at any point if there was such a situation where there was not enough light for use. This magnifier would then increase the availability of light tens of hundreds of folds to cater for any demand. The beauty of the whole process was, any amount of light could be magnified to any quantifiable amounts regardless of source amounts.

Light formed propulsion system for the ASV just like it did for the cap-pods, but in a more efficient manner.The defensive system of the ASV, which could also become a weapon if used in that way, used recently researched beamed to target model of impulses and blasts. ASV was designed in such a way, that it diffused any approaching threat using the same level of perceived energy that it was being targeted with. The ASV identifier systems could determine any threat within zeptoseconds or within or a trillionth of a billionth of a second, of its intended firing or launch. Within zeptoseconds, the ASV would look up its database in Aldonia and configure its systems to counter the threat. The ASV could also mimic any weaponry system and conform light to do the same effects any of the weapon in its database could. The database being the Jaganet located in Aldonia, was more massive then the World wide web service. The Jaganet, was made of various services such as the world wide web or internet, it housed identification for anything that basically existed as was illustratively explained to the the first time visitors to Aldonia earlier. The speeds of such networks catered for data transfers in excesses of yottabytes/zeptoseconds, hence it was relatively seamless data transfers when any information was being accessed from anywhere either in or out of Aldonia.

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