Chapter 15: The Faliginox

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Chapter 13: The Faliginox

"Well I have told you the bad thing that he did and I told you the good thing that he also did. Now I will tell you something horrible which he has done and what it could mean to everyone here. "

"So the Keepers took him back to Aldonia. His fate had already been decided for him so they took him directly to the Darkest Field as there is literally no other place worse than the Darkest Field. If the Elites have put anyone there, then they also ensure that they are stripped off of any advantages that they may have had before putting them away. Faligi being one of the top brains in Aldonia did not let anything come in between him and turning his situation around. The Darkest Field was something like a black hole but for light. Faligi went and changed it and taught it to evolve and expand. It encroached onto the main entries to the head quarters. The Elites were able to stop its expansion but not before it had engulfed the main routes. You may have gone through it on your way to the headquarters if you visited the headquarters while you were there."

"Faligi had learned to extract things from the darkness. Not long after his move into the Darkest field, the field perimeter expanded rapidly, but most markedly during the equinoxes. Faligi had drawn massive powers while the sun was nearest to the earth and everything on it. Aldonia, as you know is so much connected to the earth in that sense, as earth is also one of the sources of light that Aldonia derives its energies from. Any natural or unnatural occurence that affects earth, has effects on Aldonia. Equinox is one of the times when Faligi is at the most powerful. We have tried to disrupt his progress during every solstice, but it has not made much difference till now."

"Remember the Glypotodonia, Faligi's experimentation for ferrokinetics, well it was during one of the equinoxes that while he was in Aldonia, he managed to merge himself with the powers of the Glyptodonia. He became so powerful that he could very literally command the behaviour of iron in any form. He became one with the Glypotodnia and with his mental capacity and characteristics of his Glypotodonia all in one, he began attracting and using the thoughts and sounds of anyone who crossed the Darkest field. While the Elites had managed to keep the Aldonian's safe from this by developing crafts and suits that minimise any sound or thoughts from escaping into the Darkest field, you were one of the first of the contacted who crossed the Darkest field after its encroachment onto the entry area of the headquarters."

"The Elites considered relocating but it would be impossible to have another such central location with such establishments that had taken Aldonia so many hundreds of years to get to. So they started focusing on protecting anyone who entered the headquarters. The suits and crafts had so far protected every Aldonian from the reach of Faligi. It was prematurely assumed that it would also protect you. These abilities of his was through his unification with the Glypotonia on the last equinox. The last craft that entered the Darkest field after the equinox, came out with the word emblazoned "Faliginox" across it on one side and "Faligi" crossed out on the other side. That craft was carrying the Elites into the headquarters and was heavily protected hence that was the most harm he could do to announce to everyone his transformation."

Jack was beginning to feel the same chill and sudden fear that he had felt while they had crossed the Darkest field during there trip to Aldonia as he asked Miles

"If this thing was so dangerous and you had come to know of it why was it not killed already or eliminated totally. Why was it left to survive in the Darkest fields? Why is the Darkest fields not made more secure if they are there so none one can escape from it?"

Miles replied "The Faliginox derives it power from the darkness and controls all aspects of iron. To inanimate it, would make it stronger since it will come back with all this knowledge but with a clean history. Hence it is left to fend for itself in the Darkest field where it was thought it will not be able to survive since there is no light. However, it has mastered staying in the dark and it seems is more powerful in the dark now than in the light. As you know any light which enters the Darkest field is totally absorbed into it. The Faliginox has learnt to extract anything that the Darkest field is able to absorb and use it to its advantage. Any amount of light in the Darkest field is not enough to illuminate it even for a bit. While the Elites have lost control over the Darkest field now, they have strengthened the perimeter. The Darkest field has not been able to expand any further now after the strengthening. Our crafts and suits have all been designed to protect the users. However, what we did not realise was that the humans do not share much similarity with the Aldonians except the number of limbs that each has and basic physical appearances. The humans appear to be more vulnerable as was seen in your case."

"Vulnerable? Me, how? What do you mean?" Jack cut in.

"Well as you already know his powers around iron are unexplained and unseen at the moment.  Our sensors indicated that upon arrival in Aldonia your blood hemoglobin level was around 10g/dl. At departure, our sensors picked your hemoglobin levels at 15g/dl. This was a very drastic increase in levels of iron for anyone of your age at the intake of food you had. Our analysis of your stay in Aldonia, did not show any reason for that increase to happen. After further review, we were able to isolate this increase to the trip out of the Darkest Field. It seemed, that the Faliginox picked up your deficient levels of iron, and was able to take advantage of it by transforming himself to hitch a ride in your hemoglobin deficient blood. That explains why you were the only one who had happened to be unconscious in that trip while everyone else was conscious. No one saw that happen to you in the cover of the darkness that you were passed out for the entire duration. You were feeling overwhelmed while the Faliginox was trying to incorporate himself into your bloodstream. You were aware but not in control while it happened."

Jack was agreeing silently to everything that Miles was telling him that had happened to him on their trip to Aldonia.

Miles continued while Jack pondered on "Then when you reached your sleeper bunker, our sensors then picked up a sudden drop of your blood hemoglobin levels  to around 12g/dl.While this may put your deficiency at bay, we are not sure of which iron has helped you with this improvement. The other kids were all within normal levels hence they were not of much use to Faliginox and Jacob was in a heavily protected suit that worked well for Aldonians. Faliginox took advantage of your vulnerability even without you being aware that you were vulnerable in any way to any such threat. Now we are concerned that the increase to bring your deficiency under control, if it may be due to some remnants of Faliginox remaining in your blood then it may be an issue to you and even to us. Since this has never happened before, we are yet to witness any possible implications from this. Aldonia is also not able to run any projections into the future for this since anything concerned with the Darkest field is considered to not have any remaining future and hence the algorithms do not include any possible outcomes by factoring them in."

As Miles was telling Jack all this, there was a loud thud in the direction they were heading to interrupted their conversation.

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