Chapter Two

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Alastriona jumped up and down next to her Uncle Finn on platform 9 3/4, looking for her friends, "Uncle Finn, can you see any of them?" 

Underneath his rusty red beard his cheeks heated up slightly from embarrassment, "I can hardly remember what any of them look like apart from Darcy." Alastriona should've expected this, he'd never been very good at remembering faces, however Darcy had spent half the summer with them and she'd be impossible to forget by now.

Alastriona jumped up again, one more futile attempt at seeing over the shoulders of everyone around her, she turned to her uncle and shrugged pathetically, "Guess I'll just have to look for them on the train."

Finn nodded in agreement and pulled her into his chest, hugging her close. For him the summer had passed in the blink of an eye and now here he was, sending her off to her second year at Hogwarts. "I'll see you for Christmas, Uncle Finn." 

He nodded, smiling down at her, "Of course, lass, you have a good year, all right?"

She nodded happily and hugged him once more before getting on the train, waving goodbye before she turned and made a start on finding her friends. She passed Justin and Ernie in a compartment and stopped for a short while to chat before moving on, she was nearly at the end of the train when she sighed in relief, spotting Draco in a compartment by himself, reading a book.

"Finally," she announced as she opened the door, "thought I'd never be able to sit down."

Draco grinned up at her before frowning slightly as he looked a bit more closely, "Did you grow over the summer?" 

Alastriona laughed, "Yes! Three whole centimetres!" She held up three fingers right to his face before taking a seat next to him, "I'm now 148 centimetres tall, isn't it great?"

Draco laughed softly and nodded, "Wonderful, how was your summer besides a growth spurt?" He asked, turning his book away from him.

"It was perfect, I spent most of my time with Darcy and my Uncle Finn, although I still haven't been able to convince him to let me get an owl," she shrugged, still smiling, "but oh well, there's always Christmas. How was your summer Draco? I didn't hear from you often."

He scoffed, "I did warn you I probably wasn't going to write, and it was good. I added an entire new section to my personal library and my father bought me a new broom," he sat up straighter, chin high in the air, "it's the fastest model yet."

"That's lovely, Draco, are you planning on trying out for the team this year?"

Draco scoffed, rolling his eyes, "Please, I'm already guaranteed a spot on the team."

Her brown eyes widened slightly, "Oh, well congratulations then." She knew he was waiting for her to ask him how but she resisted the temptation, "What book are you reading there?"

Draco flipped the novel around again, shrugging, "This? It's just a book my father gave me, it's hand written but he insisted I read it." He showed the blank leather bound cover, "It's all about pure-bloods, I believe, written by witches and wizards from my family line." 

Alastriona instantly leaned away from the book, not wanting to be near something so ridiculous. Her Uncle Finn had told her that her mother believed in blood purity even though her father didn't and apparently they used to fight about it a lot. Alastriona shook her head, ridding herself of the direction her thoughts were heading.

She looked out the compartment door, knowing she didn't want to spend the ride with Justin and Ernie but not willing to pick a fight with Draco about blood purity. Alastriona was about to glance away when she saw her friend Darcy walking along, and then a dark body smashed into her forehead!

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