Chapter Thirteen

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Alastriona could feel her toes. She smiled and snuggled closer into the soft warmness wrapped around her body.

"Okay I know she's totally bruised and covered in mud but she is still the most adorable thing ever..." A voice whispered and Alastriona frowned, "Awww, look at her little nose scrunching up!"

"Heidi, shut up! You'll wake her up!" Alastriona peeked one eye open and saw a blur of canary yellow, she closed it again for a minute before opening it again, less blurry she now saw her teammates and friends surrounding her bed. Maxine groaned, "Too late," she glared at Heidi, "well done!"

Alastriona groaned as she attempted to sit up but even though she was warm her body felt stiff, as though she been sleeping on rough dirt for three days straight.

Arms gently came around her and helped her sit up, she looked into her quidditch captains eyes as he stepped back, he was smiling down at her. "That was one hell of a first game." The team all nodded and were grinning, "How're you feeling?" Cedric Diggory asked.

Alastriona smiled lazily at him, "We won didn't we?"

"How could you tell?" Malcolm asked, holding a bloodied towel against his nose.

Alastriona looked back at Cedric, "He's practically glowing!"

They all laughed and Cedric's cheeks took on a rose pink hue, "I caught the snitch but Harry had fallen off his broom, there were Dementors all around him... I-- I offered Wood a rematch but-"

Maxine rolled her eyes, as did most of the team, "Honestly, Cedric, we won, we won fair and square! And look," she gestured across the hospital wing at another bed where the Gryffindor's were hovering, "Harry's fine!" She met Alastriona's tired brown eyes, "As for you, you had broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and Madam Pomfrey said it's a miracle we don't all have frostbite..." She leaned in and whispered, "You should've seen how pissed she was that the game was still played in this weather!"

A body pushed through the team, it was Madam Pomfrey. "Playing quidditch in this weather! Might as well have labeled all the beds for each player! Ridiculous!" She held a cup out for Alastriona, "Drink this, now you're awake, you're lucky you were still asleep when I reset your arm and fixed your ribs," she pointed to her team, "I thought this lot would be sick all over you from their faces."
As if to prove her point they all shuddered, Alastriona drank the green contents of the cup and shuddered, "It'll help all the bruising heal up faster, you're going to be very stiff for the next few days." She took the cup back and gave Alastriona another one, "Hopefully this will prevent you from getting sick, Professor Sprout's very worried you might get ill from the cold, said something about your--"

"Thank you!" Alastriona interrupted her loudly, cutting her off completely, she skulled the spicy drink and instantly felt warmer.

Madam Pomfrey looked at her weirdly before turning and leaving, "You can go back to your dorm tonight but I want you to stay here for a couple more hours, to make sure you don't get sick from the potions." She called over her shoulder. 

Alastriona grinned up at her team, "You guys should get started on the celebration!" She interrupted their protests, "I'll be there in a few hours, there's no point you lot waiting here to see if I'll vomit or not for the next two hours." They cringed but all came and gently patted her uninjured shoulder before they left.

Hidden behind them were all her friends and they all came and sat on her cot, Darcy looked like she had been crying, her nose and eyes were both red.

"Darcy, are you okay?" Alastriona asked her dearest friend.

Darcy nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine... it was just really--"

"Bloody terrifying!" Theo finished for her, "And what in Merlin's name was that move where you hung onto your broom with one hand! Never, ever do that again!"

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