Chapter Twelve

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Alastriona and Darcy entered the Great Hall that night and there was a thunderous burst of applause coming from the students as they saw the two girls.

Professor Sprout herself met them at the entrance of the Great Hall and even though she tried to look serious she couldn't help but smile as Alastriona and Darcy wore grins they just couldn't fight off, even when they were being escorted to Professor's Sprout's office where Lockhart was waiting.

He'd changed clothes and had a shower but everyone in the office could still clearly smell the lasting effects of the dungbomb on him.

"Those robes were priceless! And the stitching was so fine that the odour will stick in them for weeks! This is a true crime and if I had known taking this position would mean getting tormented like this then I never would have taken it!" Lockhart was at breaking point and the girls were absolutely loving it, "And I already talked to Dumbledore about expelling them but he refused, so, I want an extreme punishment for them!" He pointed a finger in their direction, "They are menaces!"

Professor Sprout nodded with a somber face, "I agree wholeheartedly, Gilderoy." She gestured to the two girls, "Now I can take it from here," she began leading Lockhart to the door of her office, "might I suggest you take a nice relaxing bath? And I hear that vinegar works wonders for strong smells."
She closed the door on his face and turned back to the girls before sitting back down at her desk, "You two have put me in a very compromising position. Not only were you in possession of a dungbomb which is clearly not allowed, you also used it against a professor." She sighed heavily, "On the other hand, Lockhart won't be at dinner tonight and that is a great relief to the other professor's."

The girls grinned at each other, not bothering to hide it anymore, Alastriona stepped forward, "It was my fault really, I just saw him standing there and it seemed like the perfect opportunity."

"I still have to find a suitable punishment for both of you, regardless of who actually threw it at him." Professor Sprout said, she looked at the two girls who clearly had no regrets, "Five points from each of you and you will spend the rest of the week in detention with me." Darcy smiled, it could've been worse but Alastriona was dreading spending more time cleaning the greenhouses and she just knew her Uncle Finn would have a fit when he heard about all her detentions this year. 

The two made their way back to the Great Hall and sat down with the other Hufflepuff's, still happy with how the day had turned out despite having detention for the rest of the week.

The professor's did seem particularly cheerful that night at dinner and Darcy and Alastriona were feeling pretty proud of themselves.

Alastriona tried to catch Draco before he left the Hall but it seemed he was in a hurry and she couldn't catch him in time. Instead she simply went back to her dorm and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, apparently nearly drowning and losing a bet all in one day really took its toll on her.

 Instead she simply went back to her dorm and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, apparently nearly drowning and losing a bet all in one day really took its toll on her

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