Chapter Ten

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Alastriona and Darcy made their way to the front of the crowd in the Hufflepuff common room, Alastriona fought the urge to close her eyes so she wouldn't have to see the results but there it was right in front of her-- 

Chaser: Alastriona Breen

Reserve Chaser: Zacharias Smith

"Oh my..." Alastriona let out a massive puff of air as Darcy squealed and pulled her into a strong hug, bouncing up and down on her toes.

"Woohooo!" Darcy pumped her fist into the air and ruffled Alastriona's hair.

A few of the people in the crowd cheered as well, not really understanding why Darcy was cheering so loud but happy to enjoy it all the same.

They moved out of the way so everyone else could look at what their House quidditch team was going to look like this season and Alastriona grinned brightly at Darcy.

Zach came out of the crowd looking furious and talking with one of his mates, Harvey O'Brian. "This is ridiculous! She's a year younger than me!"

"Just let it go, mate." Harvey said as he noticed Alastriona and Darcy standing close to them.

Zach scowled at his friend, "No! She probably just got the position out of sympathy! Everyone feels sorry for her since she saw the Death Eater that killed her parents in that boggart." He scoffed, ignoring the attention he was pulling his way, "Like it's such a big deal!"

"Zach!" Harvey glared at his friend, "Just stop!"

Alastriona's hand had curled around her wand as she glared at the back of Zach's head, "I bet she's acting too, I bet she isn't even that nice, she's probably just putting it on!"

There was something brewing in Alastriona, an anger she hadn't felt in a long while clawing its way from the tips of her toes to the top of her head and she wanted him to turn around, to see her, so she could raise her wand and point at him and watch his eyes widen as she cast the first spell.

"Smith!" A voice called behind her, loud and commanding, Zach turned around and paled at the sight of not only an incredibly angry Alastriona but also of Cedric Diggory, captain of the quidditch team standing behind her with Heidi by his side.

"If I catch you saying anything like that again then you won't even be a reserve player." He nodded to the door, "Get out of here." Cedric waited until Zach left the common room with Harvey before looking down at Alastriona with a smile, "Don't listen to a word he says, you got that spot on pure talent as well as the fact that you love Hufflepuff and you're a good team player."

Heidi nods in agreement, "We were worried about you trying out because we've witnessed all your trips and falls over the years but you're surprisingly brilliant on a broomstick." She shrugged, "You definitely got the spot by talent."

Alastriona blushed and felt the anger seep out and leave her body. "Thank you." She smiled at the two of them and next to her Darcy sighed in relief, for a second she was worried that she'd have to break up a duel. "I can't wait until the first training session! Ooh and the first game! It'll be great!"

Cedric and Heidi both laugh, "Glad you're so excited, we've got an early training session tomorrow so bring that excitement with you!" 

The pair left and Alastriona grinned at Darcy, deciding to ignore the fact that Zacharias Smith clearly hated her guts and Darcy decided to ignore Alastriona nearly pulling her wand out on Zach. 


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