Chapter Three

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Alastriona could barely see over the stack of books she was carrying, she accidentally banged into a book shelf, "Sorry." She blushed and shook her head, glad no one was around to hear her apologise to a bookshelf.

The library was empty except for a few older students who were most likely already studying for N.E.W.T.'s and she put her pile of books down on her own little table spreading them out and getting ready to write down notes with a fresh quill. Alastriona was true to her word, which was why on this beautiful Sunday afternoon she was inside the library copying down details of the second years Defence Against the Dark Arts curriculum while her friends were down by the lake relaxing in the sun.

They had offered to join her but she knew from the look in their eyes, especially Darcy's, that none of them really wanted to be hunched over books all day and luckily for them Alastriona loved reading everything that she could about any subject.

She eyed the amount of books spread out in front of her, thinking that maybe she overdid it a little. Knowing that she would have to relay all the information on creatures and new spells to the others she wrote down as much detail as possible and even though Alastriona had a passionate hatred for Professor Lockhart she loved the idea that she and her friends could have their own little classes and learn all of these new spells together. She also believed that if she learnt about these dark creatures with her friends around her she was less likely to get nightmares from them.

"Petrificus Totalus." Alastriona mumbled under her breath and began humming as she read passages from the book, copying them down, she was tempted to draw what they had done in the book, a demonstration of wand movements to cast the spell but she had always been awful at drawing of any kind and decided she could describe it better than she could draw it. 

"Theo and Blaise must have finally come to their senses and ditched you." Alastriona wanted to cry at the thought of Pansy Parkinson disturbing her peaceful Sunday.

She looked up and saw Pansy with Millicent Bulstrode and Tracey Davis standing on either side of her, "You know you can always just say hi to me if you like, I really don't mind." 

Pansy snorted, "Typical Hufflepuff, too much of a coward to stand up for yourself."

"Maybe it's just because I don't feel threatened." Pansy had proved to be a horrible classmate since Alastriona had first met her, apparently it wasn't okay for a Hufflepuff to be friends with two of Slytherin's finest students.

Pansy's cheeks turned bright pink and she breathed heavily as Millicent and Tracey looked at her like she was a dung-bomb waiting to go off, "You should feel threatened, Breen."

"Alastriona!" Pansy, Millicent and Tracey all stepped back from Alastriona's table, straightening up as Draco waltzed over with Crabbe and Goyle behind him, he flopped down into the seat next to her looking at all her books, "What're you doing?"

She smiled and shrugged, "Just doing a bit of reading."

He rolled his eyes, "Yes I can see that, are you leaving the library anytime soon or should I bring in a pillow for you?" Out of the corner of her eye she could see the three girls looking beyond shocked at the sight of their hero talking to a mere Hufflepuff girl.

"A pillow would be lovely and a cup of hot chocolate would be absolutely fantastic if you can manage." She grinned at Draco, she loved when they were able to have nice moments, a lot of the time they tended to clash but some days, like this one, they were good friends, "How will you three be spending your day?"

Draco shrugged, leaning back in the chair, "Was going to look for Theo and Blaise," he looked at all her books and notes, "I was going to ask you to come with me but obviously you're a bit busy, do you know where they are?"

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