Chapter Eleven

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 It didn't take the much for the group to forget about their argument as the third years were all bustling with excitement over the first Hogsmeade trip.

Darcy would be spending the first half of the day with her friends before spending the rest with Lee. Dawn had decided to take a break from her relentless studying and would meet up with them in the afternoon.

All together they made a rather large group, and they attracted a lot of attention with their constant bickering and bursts of uncontrollable laughter as they walked side by side to the village. And wow, Hogsmeade was definitely something else entirely.

Hogwarts is magical, it's quite literally a centre of magic, but in Hogsmeade Alastriona could see older wizards and witches going about their daily life, something she hadn't really seen anywhere else but in Diagon Alley, it was a wholesome sight.

She and all her friends stood at the edge of the village, taking in the stunning view. Alastriona couldn't help but think it looked similar to her grandparents town, little cottages everywhere with perfectly thatched roofs over all of them.

Alastriona was pulled out of her happy trance by Darcy tugging on her sleeve, beginning to pull her forward. "We have to go into Gladrags today! I heard they have socks that look exactly like a school shoe, which means--"

"We wouldn't have to wear shoes during class!" Alastriona laughed with Darcy and they ran into the bustling streets of Hogsmeade Village before coming to a quick stop outside of Gladrags Wizardwear, the two girls grinned at each other before launching themselves into the clothes shop.

There were a few people scattered throughout the store, even a couple of older Hogwarts students but Alastriona and Darcy made a beeline for the sock section, where there were in fact socks that looked exactly like school shoes! There were pairs that had dragons weaving up and down them, and of course pairs that screamed at you if they became too smelly.

Darcy and Alastriona decided that they'd only buy two pairs, just in case any of the teachers caught onto them and if they didn't then they'd be able to buy a pair for every day of the week!

Alastriona wandered over to where Theo was holding up two sweaters against himself, one a dark green and the other... an even darker green, "They look nice, Theo," she turned and plucked a bright yellow sweater from the rack behind her, "but you'd look even better in yellow." Theo rolled his eyes but humoured her and Alastriona hold it up against him, "Get away from those dark tones and go for something nice and bright!" 

Theo pushed the sweater away from him, "As tempting as it would be to walk around looking like a beehive, I'll have to pass on the offer."

Alastriona shrugged but grinned and picked up a deep purple scarf with a fine hot pink border from a stand and wrapped it around Blaise's neck, he smiled down at his friend as he unwrapped the scarf from his neck, "As much as I hate to admit it I'm siding with Theo on this... purple's not really my colour."

She rolled her eyes, "I beg to differ." Alastriona turned and saw Darcy pestering Draco, she was holding up two jumpers, one a navy blue and the other an emerald green. "What's going on?"

Darcy shook both the jumpers, "He needs a new jumper but he won't pick! I keep telling him go for the green but-- look!" She jabbed a finger at him as he shrugged, "He keeps doing that!"

Alastriona smiled and gently took the jumpers from Darcy's clenched fists, she looked into his eyes as she lifted up both jumpers on either side of him, the grey in his eyes swirling with emotion as he held her gaze made the heat rise in Alastriona's cheeks and she smiled shyly as she stepped back from him again. "The blue."

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