Chapter Twenty-One

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Coming up to the Easter holidays the group found themselves spending more and more time in the library, cramming for exams.

Only Alastriona didn't seem too stressed although that was mostly because she was constantly distracted by Draco, who'd been holding her hand every time they were walking and played absentmindedly with one of her curls when they sat side by side in the library, Theo and Blaise felt particularly nauseated when this happened.

Draco didn't seem all too concerned about exams either however this was due to the approaching quidditch finals, he was training every day and even though he wouldn't tell anyone, he was actually rather nervous about the game. Not to mention he was absolutely livid that Potter hadn't received any punishment for being in Hogsmeade!

Draco had no idea why Potter could get away with it, and he had no idea how his head was just floating around in Hogsmeade! It was made worse by the fact that the others, including Alastriona, didn't believe he'd actually seen Potter's head floating around and throwing mud.

Alastriona came down the morning of the match and found Draco at the Slytherin table, he looked even paler than usual and was wearing a Slytherin scarf, she glanced out the window and saw the sun shining brightly.

She sat next to him and gave him a warm smile before reaching over his shoulders and grabbing his scarf, Draco watched as she wrapped the scarf around her own neck.

"I'll hold onto this for you." She promised. A breathy laugh left him but he looked back down at the table, "Have you eaten?" He shook his head and Alastriona poured two cups of tea and spread some marmalade on a slice of toast. "Here." 

Draco was going to turn her down but he met her eyes and, as always, everything was on display in her eyes, faith and genuine care... for him.He took a bite of the toast and a sip of his tea.

When Theo, Blaise and Darcy made their way to the table he was still working on finishing that same piece of toast, Darcy raised her eyebrows at Alastriona's choice of scarf but didn't comment.

Theo nodded at Darcy, "Guess you'll be with Lee during the game, supporting the Gryffindor's?" 

Darcy scoffed and rolled her eyes, "No way," Draco's head shot up as he looked across at her, "Slytherin all the way!"

Draco didn't say anything but nodded his thanks to her, Darcy's support fuelled him to finish off his breakfast and drain the last of his tea.

The group stood and left the Great Hall together, Alastriona linked her fingers through Draco's and gave his hand a squeeze, Dawn leapt up from the Ravenclaw table and gave Draco a quick hug, wishing him luck.

They all came to a stop outside the entrance of the quidditch stadium, this was where they had to separate. Theo clapped Draco on the back, "You've got this!" He gave him a large grin.

Blaise shoved him out the way and patted Draco on the shoulder, "Gryffindor doesn't stand a chance, mate."

Darcy hugged Draco and smiled at him, she'd grown so much throughout the year that they were the same height now, "Good-luck! You'll be great!"

Darcy then dragged Theo and Blaise off to the side, Draco lifted one of the dangly mood earrings that Alastriona wore, "They're different colours."

"What colours are they?"

Draco stepped closer to her, even though he could see perfectly fine, "Gold and... a murky orange?"

Alastriona's mouth tilted up into a small smile, "The gold is excitement, and the murky orange is worry." She grabbed his hand in both of hers. "Please, be careful out there, I know the rivalry is massive not just between you and Harry but also Gryffindor and Slytherin. Just make sure you don't get hurt."
She came onto her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek, coming back onto her feet she waved the scarf on her neck, "We believe in you!" 

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