Chapter Two

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Alastriona sat at the kitchen table, letting her toast go cold as she glared at her uncle, "Eat, Alastriona." She wasn't backing down, he knew she wouldn't but he would pick her up and carry her to the airport if he had to.

There was a 'whoosh' that came from the lounge room, Finn sat back in his chair, eyebrows pushed together, the sound came again, he looked at Alastriona who just continued to stare at him. The sound came again followed by a few stomps and a crash.

Finn rushed into the lounge room, Alastriona close on his heels, "Darcy?" He stared at the young girl who was smacking a boy over the head.

"Uncle Finn," Alastriona pointed to the sandy haired blonde boy who just got smacked over the head, "this is Theo Nott." She gestured to the tall, dark skinned girl with long dreadlocks, "That is Dawn Winston," she then pointed to the stoic boy standing at the back, "and that is Blaise Zabini." She looked up at her uncle, "These are my friends."

Finn groaned and dragged a hand through his hair as he looked at all the kids Alastriona had written to him about throughout the year, "I knew I shouldn't have gotten you that bloody owl."

"Her name is Arwen, and no it was a bad move on your part." Alastriona countered.

Finn sighed heavily and waved the kids through, "All right you lot, come into the kitchen, I'll make us some tea."

The group sat down at the kitchen table where Alastriona showed them the book her uncle had been trying to force on her all morning, "Thanks for coming guys."

Theo scoffed, "Of course we came! But you owe me because I did not plan on waking up this early." He grabbed her toast and took a bite, quickly spitting it out, "Ugh! It's cold!"

Dawn and Darcy were scanning through the book, Dawn's dark green eyes studied it quizzically, there were only eleven major wizarding schools around the world so it wasn't particularly massive but it was very detailed, however it only shared the more positive sides of the schools.

Finn came back in and set tea down in front of them all before sitting at the head of the table, he couldn't help but feel like a teacher and a student at the same time. "Alastriona will not be returning to Hogwarts and yes we will be moving closer to the school she chooses but that doesn't mean you won't be able to see her, it just won't be as often."

Theo's mouth dropped open, "We'd only see each other once a year! And then eventually we would grow out of touch and she'd make friends who have exotic accents and they'd take over us!"

He was cut off by Alastriona giving him a comforting pat on the arm, Dawn wisely took over the debate, "Which of these are you considering?"

Finn cleared his throat, "Alastriona will be choosing the school, however the Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute are very prestigious, so is Ilvermorny."

Dawn shook her head at him, "Durmstrang is so prestigious that they only accept 'pure-blooded' witches and wizards now."

"Their Headmaster was also a convicted Death Eater." Everyone sat shocked at Blaise's words and Finn paled at the idea of Alastriona being around a convicted Death Eater.

"It's true." Theo chimed in.

Dawn flipped to the chapter on Beauxbaton's Academy of Magic, "Beauxbaton's hardly ever accept any outsiders into their Academy so you would have to move to Europe for Alastriona to be considered and even then Alastriona doesn't speak a word of French, she'd be the laughing stock of her year level."

Finn crossed his arms against his chest and leaned back in his chair, "And Ilvermorny?"

Dawn cringed, "It's a brilliant school but Alastriona would never want to live in the States only because the witches and wizards there have traumatic history with muggles and some still aren't entirely respectful towards muggle citizens there."

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