Chapter Four

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It was a lovely Saturday afternoon when Draco approached Blaise and Theo, who were sitting with Alastriona and Darcy, together they were reading up on defensive spells as it became apparent very early on that Professor Lockhart wasn't going to teach them anything.

"You wouldn't believe what happened to Weasley at quidditch practice today." Draco scoffed as he sat down, chin high in the air.

Blaise rolled his eyes and continued to watch the green sparks coming from the end of Alastriona's wand, he helpfully whispered to her 'you're doing it wrong'.

"Really? I hadn't noticed!" She was practicing a really advanced spell but just couldn't get a grip on it.

Theo always loved hearing of any Weasley suffering, or any Gryffindor really, "What happened to him?"

Draco smirked, clearly proud of himself, "He tried to jinx me and it backfired! He's vomiting slugs!" The boys broke into loud laughter, Theo occasionally snorting.

Alastriona frowned, as did Darcy, "Why did he attack you?" Alastriona asked.

Draco's cheeks heated up at her question and he shrugged, "He's just a lunatic, that's all."

She shook her head, red curls shaking around her face, "Ron wouldn't attack you just because he felt like it... did you provoke him?"

Draco stood, glaring at her venomously, "So what if I did? He's the one too poor for a proper wand!"

Alastriona stood up too, glaring at the rude blonde boy in front of her, "Why do you have to say things like that? What did you do, Draco?" He shook his head, refusing to answer, "What did you say to provoke him?" She yelled out at him, the others stood and backed away, not wanting to get in her way when she was angry. And she was fuming, she'd been putting up with Draco's nasty comments about Hufflepuff's and Gryffindor's for over a year now and was sick to death of it and him bullying other kids around the school! 

Draco scoffed, "Maybe the Weasel started it first, did you ever think of that?"

"Please, Draco, Ron wouldn't feel the need to taunt you."

"That's because he has nothing!" He rolled his harsh eyes, "What could he possibly have against me?"

Alastriona glared at him, "He has friends, more so than you! Not to mention better friends as well, all you have are cronies!"

"I called Granger a mudblood! Because she is one and deserved it!" Alastriona felt her heart stutter at his words and her hands shook with anger, she could hear Darcy gasp from behind her and she'd taken a step back from Draco.

Overcome with anger, Alastriona raised her wand at Draco and his pale grey eyes widened, however, he too raised his wand.

Other students in the courtyard moved closer to the action, "Don't be thick, Alastriona." Draco hissed at her.

She scoffed, unfazed, "If you weren't such a git I wouldn't be doing this!"

Draco moved first, "Flipendo!"

Alastriona ducked, the spell hitting a stone wall behind her, she was absolutely seething and Draco didn't realise how much more advanced she was than him and nearly everyone else in their year as well, "Ventus!" A large force of wind whipped out from her wand, striking Draco directly in the chest and knocking him off his feet.

He landed with a thud and the breath was knocked out of his chest, Alastriona stood still, eyes narrowed, as if daring him to stand.

"What is going on here?" The shocked voice came from Professor McGonagall as she looked on at the scene in front of her, Draco just standing up again and Alastriona with her wand still pointing in his direction, the wind dying off.
Alastriona lowered her wand only after seeing Draco lower his. "You two," Professor McGonagall narrowed her eyes at the two of them, "follow me. Now."

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