Chapter Six

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Alastriona walked out of the fireplace and into the Leaky Cauldron, dusting herself off as she did. Distracted, she moved a step forward and tripped over her own foot and knocked straight into someone's back.

"Sorry!" She called out, cringing. The person started to turn when there was the 'whoosh' of the fireplace behind her as Darcy stepped through and walked straight into Alastriona who this time fell right into the person's arms!

"Merlin's beard! I'm really sorry, I'm not doing this on purpose!" Alastriona pushed her hair out of her face as she straightened up, "Harry!" She grinned up at the stunned boy who pushed his frames further up on his nose, "How're you?"

Harry Potter, a boy in Alastriona's year, smiled awkwardly. "I'm good, Alastriona, how're you?"

"Really good, I've just come back from Scotland so we're shopping for school supplies today, what're you doing here?" She asked casually as she removed herself from his stiff arms.

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink and he looked anywhere but at the two girls, "Um, I'm actually staying here until the school term starts."

Alastriona's eyes lit up, "Wow! So lucky! The Leaky Cauldron has the best soup, its green and- damn I've forgotten what it's called--" she turned to look at Darcy, "Do you remember what it's called?"

Darcy shook her head in response.

"No, me neither," she turned to Harry again, "but it's really great!" Harry looked mildly happy to see the girl, although confused as to why Alastriona was being so nice to him, he was sure that if she was hanging around Slytherin's the girl wouldn't like him much. "Do you want to come shopping with us?"

"I--" Harry was quickly interrupted.

"Alastriona! Darcy!" The voices came from the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron and the two girls turned to see Theo and Blaise coming over, Theo with a big grin and Blaise with a slight smile, Theo hugged Alastriona then Darcy and Blaise reluctantly let himself be hugged.
Theo stopped short and his smile dropped as he saw-- "Potter."

Harry didn't know the two Slytherin's very well, but he knew they hung around Malfoy and immediately knew they wouldn't get along.

Alastriona didn't seem to notice the tension and smiled back at Harry. "So, would you like to join us?"

A strangled sound came from Theo and he looked wide eyed to Blaise before his eyes lit up and he whispered, "Did you hear her voice?"

Harry shoved his hands in his pockets and shook his head, "I'm all right but thanks for the offer, Alastriona."

"Oh, okay, well I'll see you around, Harry!" She watched as he left before turning back to her friends, "I missed you guys!" She pulled them in for another hug before stepping back, "What have I missed?"

Theo scoffed, "What have you missed? How about us! You've got a true Scottish accent now! And since when were you so close with Potter?"

"This is nothing," Alastriona pointed to herself, "you should hear my grandparents. And Harry's a lovely sort."

Darcy was smirking slightly, "Maybe he can be the Gryffindor of our group, thoughts Theo?"

Theo made a grumbling sound as he glared at her before he turned around and walked away, "Are we shopping or not?"

Alastriona fell into step with Blaise as Theo used his wand to tap the right brick, "How've you been Blaise?"

He shrugged, "Just babysitting--"

"I heard that."

"We've been flying lots and Theo is finally starting his homework," He looked to Alastriona's stunned face as they walked through into Diagon Alley, "Yeah, starting."

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