Jonah- Sprained Ankle

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Not a lot of people knew this but Jonah was a gymnast. He had been since he was just three years old. Everyone knew him as the guy in the band who played baseball because Jonah hadn't told anyone, not even his band mates! He didn't know why he hadn't told anyone but it just didn't feel right...Everyone thought he would be a baseball player if he wasn't in the band but the truth was that he was training for the Olympics!

When Jonah moved to LA he joined a gym in LA because he didn't want to stop his training just because he was in a band. Of course he wasn't going to be able to train on fixed days because of his job but that just meant he would have to train extra hard.

When he was younger and up till he moved Jonah used to train from 8am to 6pm. He obviously had breaks and time to do school work but gymnastics was just too important. Baseball was also important but he trained only 5 days a week for that and from 7pm till 9.

None of his family understood how he used to fit all his sports in and small hobbies such as music all into one day but they never questioned him. Sports was Jonah's dream and music was just a way to relax when he felt stressed.

Before any of his competitions or meets he would use his musical abilities to calm his nerves. He never though of music as a career until he blew up on social media. Now Jonah would use gymnastics as a way to calm his nerves before shows. He would go outside to the back and do a bit of tumbling. oH hOw ThE tAbLeS hAvE tUrNeD!?

The young boy was actually quite surprised when he blew up that no one recognized him as a gymnast because he had competed at very high levels such as nationals but he was thankful for that.

Jonah would go to his gym every chance he got. Of course he would have to come up with some lie every time he left the house and was surprised no one had caught on yet but then again he lived with four idiots (Ik the live separately but just for the sake of this story)

"Hey guys I'm going out" Jonah called through the house. He didn't even know if anyone heard him but he couldn't care less. Jonah was wearing his uniform underneath his clothes and had his bag packed. He walked out of the house and made his way to the gym in his car.

Something didn't feel right today. Jonah couldn't put his finger on it but there was just something off about today. He didn't know if it was because he was forgetting something or if it was something else but he couldn't erase that feeling from the pit of his stomach.

Jonah got to the gym quite fast as it was only a 15 minute drive. He parked his car and made his way inside. He quickly went to the change rooms and got ready, he then put all his belongings inside his locker.

Jonah made his way over to the side of the floor to stretch. He did all his basic stretches but while doing them he was thinking...

(Thoughts are in italics to make it less confusing)

We're going on tour soon and I won't be able to practice. I'm gonna miss coming here for a while...oh wait but we're going to be traveling so much and I could be doing layouts and handsprings in Paris!

Jonah could practically imagine himself sneaking out late at night so he would be able to do a backflip in front of the Eiffel Tower without the boys watching. He would then edit all the videos of him doing a flip in different countries together and send it to his family and team.

If anyone was watching him right now they would probably be very concerned as Jonah was in his splits with a very big smile on his face but he was just too excited.

When Jonah finished stretching he got up and made his way over to his coach Toby

"Just go over and practice your floor routine, I'll be a minute"Toby instructed. Jonah went over and got himself in his starting position. He then started doing all his tumbling and god if any of the boys saw him, he would be dead!

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