Jonah - Amnesia

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@sami2570 - One day the boys are in a rush and Jonah was getting them all late so they chose to prank him by spilling water on the stairs. When Jonah comes down he slips and falls on his head and starts to bleed. This gives Jonah amnesia. After this, he does not trust the boys.

"Jonah if you don't get your ass down here right now I swear I'm going to kill you!" Corbyn screamed.


Jonah had woken up that day with the worst headache he could possibly imagine. He had a feeling like something was going to go wrong and a terrible light-headed feeling like he was going to pass out and it just so happened to be the day where all the boys were going to go out together. They were all so excited and Jonah didn't want to let them down so he forced himself out of bed only to feel a wave of nausea pass over him. He ran to the toilet and immediately threw up. It wasn't going to stop him though. He was determined for the rest of the boys to have a good day that they deserved even if it made him feel like shit.

Jonah got up from beside the toilet and cleaned himself and the mess he had made. He then looked in the mirror to see how pale he looked and how he had bags under his eyes. He thought about what to say if they asked for a few minutes and eventually decided on just saying that he stayed awake producing some new music.

when he was finally done he made his way back to his room talking a quick glance at the clock. He was already late and he hadn't even started getting ready. all of a sudden he heard a scream from downstairs.

"Jonah if you don't get your ass down here right now I swear I'm going to kill you!" Corbyn screamed.

"coming" Jonah mumbled out even though he was 99% sure they couldn't hear him.

He stumbled into his room and chose what clothes he was going to wear that day. He pulled out some skinny jeans and a simple hoodie. He wasn't planning on looking good when he felt like sh*t. He lazily pulled on his clothes and just sat on his bed for a few minutes because he felt so tired.


Downstairs the boys were getting tired of jonah taking so long. He would always get pissed at them for being late and when they want to go somewhere he decides to take his sweet sweet time so just to be annoying they decide to prank him. They knew it was wrong because they definitely deserved it after being late so many times but they weren't going to let that come in their way.

Zach ran and got a water bottle and spilt some water on the steps. The four boys sat near the bottom of the stairs so they had a good view of what was about to go down. This time they didn't rush him. They patiently waited.

Not long after Jonah slowly started to make his way down the stairs. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration trying to ignore the immense pain as he tried not to fall down the stairs from the dizzy feeling. He had a firm grip on the rail to catch himself if he fell but when his foot hit the water he immediately slipped. his feet flew from under him and Jonah's shoulder twisted as he tried to keep his grip. In pain from his shoulder, he let his grip go letting himself fall. With a loud thud, he fell on the stairs immediately being knocked unconscious. His limp body slid down a few stairs before coming to a stop.

The four boys were too busy laughing to notice that Jonah wasn't awake anymore and a pool of blood was forming under his head.

Corbyn finally looked back at Jonah and a switch in his head flipped when he saw him.

"Shit!" He screamed in panic as he got up and rushed to Jonah.

His alarm caught the attention of Daniel, Jack and Zach.

"HE'S UNCONSCIOUS AND HIS HEAD IS BLEEDING! THAT'S NEVER GOOD!" Corbyn said as he tried to pull jonah off the stairs.

"uhh, do you think we need to take him to the hospital or something?" Daniel asked.

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