Jack - Epilepsy

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@Raven5555 - can you do one where one of the boys has epilepsy and loses their medication and can't get to a pharmacy, so they have lots of seizures and stuff until they can get some medication.

@angeliclia - I was wondering if you could do one where Jack has epilepsy and has a bad seizure s the boys take him to hospital. Aso can you make it fluffy. (diagnosis at hospital and boys are cute friends.)

Disclaimer - I don't know much about epilepsy. I will try to do research but I can't guarantee I will get everything right. Please feel free to correct me

Also pretend corona wasn't a thing cause I started writing this in 2019 lmao

It was fairly early in the morning... still 5am and the boys were getting ready for a full day of promo. They'd landed in Australia that night and were doing interviews before their first performance the next day.

"Cmon cmon ugh! Where is it!?" Jack mumbled to himself as he rummaged through his belongings.

Jack had been looking for it for ages and he just couldn't seem to find where he placed his mediation. Eventually he gave up on looking by himself and decided to get help. He ran to his band mates room as fast as he could although it was only next door so it didn't take long.

"Zach!! Have you seen my medication?" Jack knew he should've went to someone just a little bit more responsible but he spent the most time with Zach and he was the only one who wouldn't get him in trouble.

"No, why?  Can you not find it? " Zach asked.

"Nope. Can you help me look for it?" Zach agreed and followed Jack to his room half dressed.

The boys were supposed to meet downstairs at 6am and it was now 5:55 and Zach still wasn't dressed. They looked for about 15 minutes before Zach asked "dude what about your back up? Don't you have that?"

"Jon has that and I don't wanna get in trouble for not having it" he thought for a second before continuing. " you know what? Fuck it. There's not that high of a chance of me having one for skipping one dose. Obviously I'm at a high risk but I doubt anything will happen. I'll just make sure to sleep enough, eat enough, not get sick and try not to stress cause those are my main triggers. Ok now let's go get you ready... we're still only 20 minutes late which isn't that bad.

By the time Zach got ready and the two boys got downstairs it was 7am. Everyone was sitting in the lobby pretty mad because they had been there for over an hour waiting.

"What took you guys so long this time for gods sake?" Jonah asked.

"Uh well you know" Jack trailed off "Zach always takes a while deciding what he wants to wear." Zach looked at him in disbelief while Jack awkwardly chuckled.

"Anyway can I grab a bite before we leave?" Jack asked but everyone refused saying they were already late. Zach looked at him again but this time with worry. Jack shrugged it off saying it would be fine and he would make sure to eat later.

By the time it hit 12 jacks stomach was growling and he could not stop yawning cause he'd only gotten 4 hours of sleep that night... all the boys had be started stressing about his health. Jack knew he shouldn't have been stressing but he couldn't help it. Time passed slowly and every minute felt like an hour.

The boys had just finished a radio interview and were walking through a hallway to leave. Jack was slowly walking at the back accompanied by Zach who was worried for him when suddenly Jack stopped walking, his whole body becoming stiff. He was staring straight ahead and then all of a sudden he had collapsed onto the floor loosing consciousness.

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