Zach - broken foot

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This is a sickfic that I never posted because I thought it was too short or people wouldn't like it but here it is.

"Guys Cmon! We have to get going before we're late again. The Uber is already here!" Jonah screamed through the house.

Corbyn, daniel, jack and Zach all came running down the stairs and following Jonah out of the house. All five boys got in the Uber and made their way to the interview they had scheduled at one in the afternoon.

The drive was fairly normal. The radio was lightly playing in the background and the boys were chatting among themselves when a familiar tune started playing through the cars speakers.

"8letters!" The boys screamed.

"Can I turn the volume up please?" daniel  asked the driver to which he kindly agreed.

All the boys were singing their hearts out and jumping in their seats. Daniel and Zach were both recording the moment.
Once the song ended and the boys had calmed down and the volume was back to normal, the driver asked...

"Is that your favourite artist or something? It's a very nice song."

"No, actually-" Jonah began but Jack cut him off in excitement.

"It's our song!"

"THATS US SINGING!" Zach finished.

"Are you serious!?" The driver said in disbelief while still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Ye we could sing it to you to prove it!" Zach said.

All the boys sand their parts, harmonising when needed to perfectly blowing the driver away.

"Wow that really was you guys! I've heard this song on the radio before and never thought that I would be driving the artist around one day!"

"And we never thought our songs would be on the radio but here we are!" Corbyn said.

Once they got to their location all the boys got out and started walking inside the building except Zach. He was standing outside the car reaching inside to get his bag when the driver lifted his foot off the brakes accidentally. The car started rolling forward. Zach hadn't moved a bit and his foot was just in line with the cars tire.

The car rolled over Zach's foot leading him to let out a pain filled scream. Everyone's heads turned towards the source of the sound and the driver slammed his foot on the brakes again leaving the tire on Zach's  foot.

Zach's face was the colour of a tomato and he was biting his lip so hard that it let out blood he was trying his best not to scream or cry but tears made their way out of Zach's eyes nonetheless.

"OH MY GOD MOVE THE CAR! ITS ON HIS FOOT!" Jonah screamed realising what was happening running back to Zach .

In shock the driver put the gear in reverse and drove the car making it go over Zach's foot again.

This time Zach couldn't take the pain. He collapsed onto the road in pain. He didn't know why but he all of a sudden also had an urge to vomit.

The driver ran out of the car to Zach who was on the floor.

"Oh my god kid! I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to! Are you ok?"

"It's ok sir. I'm not going to sue you or anything. It wasn't your fault." Zach said in between shaky breaths.

"Hey Zach, look at me. Breathe with me. I'm and out. Just like how when you help me with my anxiety." Jack said trying to get Zach to calm down.

"How bad does it hurt on a scale of 1-10? Do you think you can walk.?" Corbyn asked.

"Um it hurts like a solid fucking 10 and I don't know..." Zach said.

"Do you need a hospital? I could go upstairs and cancel the interview?" Daniel asked.

"No it's ok, I'll be fine I swear. You can leave sir." Zach said to the Uber driver.

Zach put his arms down and pushed himself up to a standing position. He was balanced on leg and the injured leg was up like a flamingo. As soon as Zach tried to put pressure on the foot to walk he collapsed but luckily Corbyn and daniel caught him from the side.

"Here" Corbyn said as daniel and him both lifted Zach up so they were both carrying him. The four boys walked inside carrying Zach . As soon as they got inside, their manager, Jon who was waiting for them looked at the boys . He thought they were just playing around and being their usual selves but when the two boys put Zach down and he winced his face instantly turned to worry.

"What happened?" Jon asked.

"Zach got run over with a car." Jack said casually.


"I'm fine I swear!" Zach said. He didn't want people worrying about him.

"What hurts and I know for a fact you're not alright. You're crying and your face is red!" Jon said.

"It's only my foot. Don't worry. I want to do the interview. If it's really bad I will go to a doctor later." Zach said trying to reassure himself but what he didn't realise was that he was just trying to reassure himself.

After a while of Zach convincing everyone he was fine he gave in to getting some ice. The four boys helped Zach take his converse off without hurting himself while Jon went and got some ice.

By the time the interview started there were a few pillows on the coffee table in front of the sofas they were sitting on elevating Zach's foot. There was also a bag of ice on Zach's foot that was extremely swollen and bruising. No one questioned it thought. It wasn't mentioned once during the whole interview and everyone pretended like it wasn't even there.

Once it was finally over Zach wanted to pretend he was fine so he got up trying to walk away but once again as soon as they was pressure on his foot he fell forward. But this time he didn't just fall, he hit his head with a huge bang on the corner of the coffee table. Blood instantly started pouring out of his cut covering his forehead. Zach's hands flew to his head as he grabbed it tying to stop the pain. He rolled over on the floor and curled into a ball groaning.

"Oh my god Zach! Are you ok?" The boys said standing up.

"Ok now you're definitely going to the hospital Zach!" Jon said as soon as he saw the blood.

Then he realised he wasn't using his manners. "Sorry about this. Thank you for having us. We had a great time!" Jon said shaking hands with the interviewer before turning his attention back to the boy on the floor at his feet.

"Guys I don't have enough seats in my car. I'm taking Zach to the hospital. You guys can either catch an Uber home or to the hospital." Jon said as he lifted Zach up.

"Two things Zach . Take your shirt off and to walk use me as a crutch. Actually can you guys come and help me get Zach to the car." Jon said.

The boys carried Zach to the car and helped put him in the back seat to he was laying down. Jack ended up taking his shirt off instead of Zach and holding it to Zach's head. He also ended up riding with Jon so Zach has his head on jacks lap and he held his shirt to Zach's bleeding head. The other three boys ended up catching an Uber to the hospital.

Zach ended up getting stitches in his head as soon as he got there.

"Hey look! Jonah's meeting Harry Potter dreams are finally coming true!" Jack said while laughing.

After getting stitches, Zach got a wheelchair and got wheeled to a room to get an X-ray of his foot.

When the results came back Zach found out that he had fractured his foot really bad that he was assigned to a wheelchair! Not even crutches! A fricken wheelchair!

Zach definitely learnt his lesson that he should've just admit he was in pain. It's not like it made him looks and less cooler.

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