Jonah - assult

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2058 words
This is a sickfic that I never posted because I thought it was too short or people wouldn't like it but here it is


Not a good time for teenage boys to be walking around quiet, empty streets.

The five boys didn't have any specific reason to be out this late but they were bored so they decided to take a stroll.

As they were walking in the streets talking among themselves they heard really loud music but they ignored it. It was probably a party anyways so they kept walking. After a few minutes of walking they came across a club which was also the source of the music. There were a lot of people standing outside, all clearly drunk.

"Guys, everyone here is drunk so keep ur head low and don't make any connection with them as you walk past." Jonah said as he turned around to face all the boys.

Jonah was in the lead and he was nearly out of the huddle of people when he heard his curly headed friend call out...

"No please don't hurt me! I dint mean to!"

As Jonah turned around to help jack he heard his two other friends say something.

"DON'T HURT HIM!" Daniel called out.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! STOP!" Corbyn added.

Just as Jonah was about to run in and calm everyone down, Zach jumped in.

"HEY DON'T TOUCH MY FRIENDS. IF YOU'RE GOING TO MESS WITH MY FRIENDS, YOU WILL HAVE TO PASS ME FIRST!" Zach yelled at the man. He was getting right up into his face thinking he was really tough.

The man who was threatening the boys was really big. He was way taller than Jonah. Maybe 6,3 or 6,4 and was definitely a body builder. The man raised his arm making a fist in the air ready to swing clearly not thinking straight being drunk.

"Oh shit..." Zach whispered. His ego disappeared with a click of his fingers.

Zach started slowly stepping back. All four boys were terrified especially Zach as he was in the front. Jonah watched slowly moving towards the commotion. His eyebrows were furrowed focusing on every move of the drunk man.

Just as the guy was bout to swing, Jonah gripped the mans wrist lowering it.

"Hey hey hey, we can work this out. Clearly he didn't mean to. We don't have to get violent." Jonas spoke trying to calm the guy down.

Just as the words left Jonah's mouth the guy raised his arm again and swung at Jonah's head. One punch was all that was needed to knock Jonah out. The boy was knocked unconscious and collapsed on the ground. Already petrified of what was happening, the four boys thought that was it but the guy got down and started swinging at the eighteen year olds unconscious body. Multiple swings to the Jonah's face and chest.

Corbyn took the responsibility to move the three younger boys back from the violence. He got out his phone and called the emergency services. The police and ambulance were both on their way when the man pulled out something no one expected nor wanted to see. He pulled out a knife from his pocket.

Corbyn who was still on the phone panicked more as he was talking to the lady on the other side.

"Oh my god! He just pulled out a knife! Hurry up please! My friend might be dead or something!"

The sound or sirens filled the tense atmosphere. The man stood up throwing the knife at Jonah without any particular aim. He turned around and started running for the scene. The knife landed straight in Jonah's shoulder. Blood covered his shirt and started dripping on the floor.

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