Jack - Esophageal Ulcer & Perforation

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Sorry in advance. I tried doing research but there is not a lot about this on the internet so I made a lot of it up. I hope u guys don't mind but I will try use real information in the future. Some of this is still real but it's not 100%

@Bumble4 - Can you do one where one of the boys have Amnesia or coughs up blood

(This sickfic is the blood one... There might be an Amnesia sickfic soon. Also, the start of the story has jacks family but I swear most of it will be the band after he gets out of the hospital.)

Today was the day of the first date on the 8letters tour. All the boys were in their own house with their family in LA. They had decided that they would each go to the airport separately so they could spend more time with their family.

Jack, Isla and Kristin were standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Syndie and Ava. Jack had all his bags with him and was taking to Isla.

"Hold on guys. I think I forgot something. I'll be back." Kristin said before making her way upstairs. Jack and Isla were just playing around when Jack felt that he couldn't breathe all of a sudden.

It was like everything hit him at once. His chest tightened up and he could only take short breaths of air at a time. His heart was beating so fast that he felt like he had just run a thousand miles in an hour. That's when the pain actually hit him. It felt like someone had just stabbed him in the chest. He sucked in a painful breath before it got too much and he fell to the floor. Poor Isla who was only 10 at the time started panicking about her older brother. She tried talking to him but he wasn't responding. Instead, he was groaning in pain and was even crying.


Before Kristin got the chance to get downstairs, Jack felt like he was going to puke so he crawled to the sink in the kitchen because it was the closest. He pulled himself up and leaned over it. He heaved a few times before blood fell out of his mouth. Jack was vomiting blood. He instantly panicked but couldn't catch a break and his chest pain was worse than before.

Kristin ran downstairs hearing her youngest daughters calls.

"Is jack ok? Where is he?" Kristin asked panicking as well. Isla pointed to the kitchen where Kristin instantly ran to.

"Oh, my god baby. Are you ok?" She asked but as she moved closer and saw that he was vomiting blood, she freaked out.


When Sydnie got down, Kristin told her to call an ambulance. Sydnie called telling the lady on the other side that her younger brother was vomiting blood.

Once Jack was done vomiting he fell back into his mum's arms unconscious.

"OH MY GOD! SYDNIE, ARE YOU STILL ON THE LINE? TELL THEM JACK PASSED OUT!" Kristin hadn't ever dealt with anything like this before and the first time being her own son made her freak out.

Kristin carefully placed jack down onto the cold hard tile floor in the recovery position while waiting for the paramedics. She checked to see that he was still breathing and there was nothing blocking his airways.

The paramedics eventually arrived and made their way inside to the kitchen. They assessed Jack and decided that it would be best to take him back to the hospital for examination. After checking over him a bit more and going through their first-aid procedure again, they loaded jacks unconscious body onto a stretcher. As they were wheeling the boy out of the house, he opened his eyes. He looked around confused before she screwed his eyes shut in pain again.

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