Parties Suck...Literally

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"Vidia Loraine Jackson!! Hurry your little but up!!" Neesha yelled.

Taneesha Tyler (yes that is her actual name) is my best friend in the whole world. Scratch that. She's my only friend in this big round planet we call Earth. And she was currently forcing me to go to this stupid Halloween party. When I say 'forcing' I use that term heavily. She literally pushed me into the shower and yelled at me until I finally finished. She straightened then  curled my long red hair so it fell down my back in loose, big curls. It was pretty I guess, usually its in this curly, tangled mess.  My gray eyes were outlined with black and my lips were painted a light pink. The makeup made my face itch.

"Vidia, please get your fine ass into that dress!!!" Uh oh, her face was turning red.

See this was a bad sign because it meant that she was really angry.  Neesha had one of those golden tans so it was really hard to catch her blushing. When her face turns red it usually means she's embarrassed or really mad and Neesha never gets embarrassed. I sigh and pull on the dress. It wasn't all that bad honestly; it was actually kind of pretty. It was a black lace halter top. It was kinda short.

"There! Happy?!" I smiled at her sarcastically.

"Ecstatic" she glared "Now put on the damn shoes and let's get a move on."

I slipped on my black wedges and smiled. I absolutely loved shoes, it was my addiction. Half my closet was filled with shoes instead of clothes and I wouldn't have it any other way. We got into the car and she drove us to the party. We had to take this really dark, creepy road to get up to the house and me being the wuss I am, I hit the switch that locks all the doors and Neesha smirked at me. Damn it, I was hoping she wouldn't hear that. We parked in front of the house, or should I say mansion. It was a big Manor and it looked fairly modern but the yard and the cemetery in the back says otherwise. I rang the doorbell ad winced when the music blasted through my ears. Kevin, a tall, blonde jock, opened the door and pulled Neesha in for a kiss. I grimaced and looked away. Seriously people I'm standing right here. I pushed passed the two irritating love birds and went straight to the kitchen.  I grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and observed the people around me. If you haven't noticed already, parties are seriously not my thing. I just kind of stood there for half an hour before deciding to walk around. I was pulled into the dance floor by some random guy and he was trying to dance with me. Key word trying.  I just looked at him like he was freakin Frankenstein and walked towards the back door. Ugh! There were people here too. I sighed, of course. Who wouldn't want to make out in front of a bunch of dead people? Note my awesome use of sarcasm. I passed all the PDA loving teens and was about to walk back inside when I saw Lane. I squeaked (yes I actually squeaked like a mouse) before hiding behind a bush. Your probably wondering why I'm hiding from one of the most popular guys in school. Well let me tell you because it is really a great story. (Again. Sarcasm) Actually it was probably the most cliché thing in my life. So Lane and I had been dating for over a year (this was back in high school by the way). We both agreed to wait until graduation to have sex. Well right before graduation, a video somehow got onto the internet and of course everyone saw it but me. It was Lane having sex with the head cheerleader. It was kind of fitting because he was the star quarterback.  Of course I cried and all that mumbo jumbo, but I got over it. Then (I have no idea how) it got out that Elena, the head cheerleader, was pregnant. At first I was like

'Ha that's what you get for cheating you lying bastard!!'

But then she aborted the baby and I felt kind of bad. Lane has been trying to apologize ever since. Now I'm in my second year of college and I'm back home for the summer. I heard through the gossip vine thingy that Lane was looking for me to apologize and try to win me back. I so did not want to go there. I mean I already suffered the humiliation when he cheated, I don't want to go through that stuff again.

Anyway, while I was reminiscing and telling you my E! True Hollywood Story, I was walking on this stone pathway. Well a few minutes ago it became dirt and now I am totally and completely lost. I tried to retrace my steps but I think I just made it worse. I groaned in frustration and did a 360 taking in my surroundings. Trees, headstones, benches and guess what, even more headstones.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!"

I yelled at no one really because who would hear me all the way out here? I stomped my foot and tripped because I'm talented like that. I screamed and I fell into a ditch. I hit the ground hard. I groaned in pain and lifted my hand to my head. It was wet, oh gosh I was bleeding. Black dots marred my vision and I was about to have a panic attack. I sat up, trying my absolute hardest not to throw up because everything was moving. I stood up in my ridiculously high wedges and tried not to fall over. I definitely did not notice this before, but I am standing in a grave. My heart raced when I realized I was too short to get out on my own. Curse my 5'3 frame. I reached down and pulled my phone out of my clutch. I tried to call Neesha for help but of course I had no reception. So I did a perfectly normal Vidia Jackson move when I couldn't do something, I sat on my ass and gave up. I pushed my back into a corner of the dirt square and leaned my head against the side. Why do these things always happen to me? Why couldn't they happen to Elena or Lane, somebody who deserved it? As soon as that thought entered my head, it started to rain. And not those light sprinkles either, nope that would have been too easy. It was those big, fat raindrops that stay to long in those big, fat clouds.

"God hates me."

I sighed and curled into my little corner and tried my best not to get wet. Of course I still got soaked. Then came the thunder and the lightening.  Now usually I loved storms. They were calming and beautiful in a way. But I did NOT like storms when I was outside. I just sat there and prayed for it to stop.

----------3 Hours Later----------

Good news?

The rain finally stopped

 Bad news?

This fricken hole was muddy as hell. And here I was, just sitting right in the middle of this big mud puddle. That's not even the worst part. Nope it definitely wasn't. The rain had washed away all the dirt and I discovered that I was sitting (still sitting mind you) on a coffin. Yup. Vidia Loraine Jackson fell into an occupied grave and is sitting on someone's dead body. I am so gonna get haunted for this. But it was the only place not filled with muddy water. On the plus side? The coffin was beautiful. It was made of some kind of black metal, stygian iron I think, and it had engravings all over. It was beautiful, a work of art. I couldn't see it clearly because it was like 2 in the morning.  I could vaguely make out the engraving of a man and a cross. That wasn't so bad. The person in the coffin could be a man and he is dead so it kind of made sense. But wait for it, this isn't the best part. While I was running my hand over the engraving, I was cut by some part of the coffin. Now from what I've learned stygian iron doesn't rust [not sure if that's true or not] so I should be good for a bit. But I was in a dirt whole with tons of bugs and anything could infect it. Here I am with a bloody hand and a bloody head. I figured it couldn't get any worse, so I kinda just fell asleep. Worst. Idea. Ever. 

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