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The beggar man leered at him, "WhatEVER is the matter with you Master Ying?" he gasped dramatically, "Could it be that you tremble with happiness at seeing me? And after SO long as well!" he cackled harshly. Zack had experience with the man's strange ability before - three to be exact - but it still scared him. It wasn't a light thing to see the laws of nature twisted to some crazy person's will. The fact that Zack couldn't move was another thing that added to his fears. He was in total control. "Hmmmm...." the man rubbed his chin in a mockery of deep thought, "Why aren't you talking to me? Could it be that you are angry with me after all your faults that I pointed out you," and he suddenly thrusted his face forward till it was only a few centimetres away from Zack's, "CAME TRUE?" and he began cackling harshly. He turned around calmly and beheld Theo. "Well," he put his hands on his hips, "looks like you were in the middle of something. But no matter," he waved his hand, "I know how it'll turn out. You in a fit of your usual - how should I say it? - COWARDICE to face facts would have turned down this poor boy's sincere offer to patch things up. He walked over to Theo and started to open and close his mouth like a puppet and Zack watched in horror. It was one thing to dislike him but it was no reason to see him bring played with like a toy. "Zack I am so sorry," the man said in a falsetto voice, still playing with Theo like a doll, "will you forgive me?" and he laughed but sobered in a second. He looked genuinely regretful as he put his fingers at his temples, "But you wouldn't have would you? You would have just held on to it, with that single-minded intensity. Though the world might be against you, you would not let go," he turned and looked at Zack, "It is a tool. It isn't inherently good or evil. It depends on the person," and his person reverted back to its scornful side, "as shown right here, yes, Master Ying?" and he laughed. He laughed and laughed. His wheezy voice layering his hard laughter with a sinister air. "I told you Master Zack Ying. I told you of the great things you could accomplish. Sadly, you are so deadset on things that it makes your future stale due to that narrow-mindedness. Well," he walked to Zack's side of the table and fingered with the knife that was there for absolutely no reason, "I need to change that, won't I?" and he picked it up while grinning at Zack.

I am going to die. It wasn't a speculation. It was a statement and Zack watched the beggar with a very extensive war of emotions. On one hand, his death wouldn't mean much to anyone. In fact it may be actually for the better! On the other, death scared Zack Ying to the core of his very being. Suddenly, it was as if every single thing that he had or had not done came back to him - a near death experience. He suddenly regretted the choices he had made and also the fact that he wouldnt be able to ever set things right. Zack closed his eyes, waiting for the piercing sensation that would end his life. After a few minutes, not that there were such things as 'minutes' when time had stopped, Zack opened his eyes to see the beggar man still standing there with the knife in his hand and the smile on his face, except now there was amusement coupled with his scornful leer. "Tsk tsk Master Ying! Giving up on life ALREADY? Ah yes, I suppose that would be the defining trait in you Master Ying, but I will not make things that easy for you. No, sometimes one must destroy something for it to be renewed, and killing you will certainly not destroy you!" He walked over to Theo's side and pushed him backwards. Theo's unmoving body fell back on his chair, a somewhat graceful movement in the still atmosphere. He bent down and started doing some things below Zack's line of vision. Zack feared for his friend. Funny how one single moment can change an enemy to a friend, Zack thought bleakly, knowing that whatever happened, it was out of his power to fight against it. Finally, the beggar stood up and looked satisfied. He walked towards Zack. "I bet you're wondering what can be worse than death? Torture is the answer. Not physical torture because even pain can be numbed yes? I will make you torture yourself!" and he cackled long and loud. Zack broke out in cold sweat. What is he going to do with me? Zack thought as the man picked him up like a manequin. He positioned Zack over Theo's body on the floor. "You want to know the most interesting part of my abilities Zack Ying? As you've so obviously guessed, I can stop time. But you see, since I can move freely in this stopage means I'm effectively OUTSIDE time. What that means is....." and he stabbed Theo in the heart with force. Zack still couldn't move, but his mind now went numb with shock. "This will not have any evidence since, you know, I was never here," and to Zack's increasing horror, he placed the knife in Zack's hand. He could only stare at Theo's frozen face as he felt the man close his fingers around the knife. "So, just to make things clear.... I'd say you just murdered your best friend," This can't be happening, Zack thought. It just can't. He had hated Theo a minute ago but death was something he did not wish on anyone. "Well Master Zack Ying," he said, "it looks like this is it! You will now be accused of murdering your best friend and no one will believe you if you say otherwise. And do want to know the sad part in all of this?" and Zack felt his breath tickling his ear as he whispered, "You will never be able to catch me," and he heard a snap. Time began to flow. Then, someone saw the two forms on the floor and the screaming began. Zack tore the tablecloth off and pressed it over Theo's heart as he began sputtering, just realising he was dying with every breath. "Stay with me Theo! Damn it, I'm so sorry!" and tears now flowed from his eyes as he tried to stop the bleeding. The bleeding would not stop. Ironically, it was Theo's own heart that worked against him. Zack was frantically trying to save him, apologising all the while when Theo grabbed his wrist with what strength he had left. Zack looked at his friend, tears in his eyes, for the last time. "Zack.... I'm......... sor.....ry," and his hand dropped to the ground, lifeless. Zack stopped shaking him, stopped screaming his name. Instead he howled, a primal roar full of pain and anger which reverberated through the entire building. Again and again.

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