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"Alright troop!" Sgt Troffs said when they were standing at attention on the field one fine Eighthsday. "Close combat weapon training which, I regretfully have to say, is long overdue will start next Firstday!" Zack still didn't really understand the system, though easy as it was; the days were all numbered instead of named, until Tenthsday. Each month had 30 days and there were 11 of them. There were special days: the last day of each month was Endsday, the middle day of the year, the 15th day of the 6th month was Midyears day and new years, was Newyears day. "Whoever thought of these things was a genius," Zack quietly muttered. "We'll start with cutlass training. Get your cutlasses and assemble in this field in ten minutes!" Zack's mind went blank at what Sgt Troffs was saying. He had never touched a cutlass onboard the Olympus.

For the first time since the day his life had spiralled out of its monotony, Zack Ying was nervous. He had been confident in everything: hand to hand combat, marksmanship, tactical classes, geography & map making, tracking (the latter two Tetrad had told him about, but obviously couldn't train him in on a space ship) and heck, even manual labour! Nothing had caught him unawares.....until now and he cursed. Should've expected, he thought, I mean, its not like a marine just bashes people around with his fists! Thump! Another cutlass had been knocked out of a cadet's hand. "Last one. Zack Ying, get over here!" Zack unsheathed his cutlass and studied its simple steel hilt guard and slightly curved blade. He stood awkwardly in front of Sgt Troffs to which, he raised an eyebrow.

"Ying! Don't you know how to hold a cutlass??" Zack heard giggling in the crowd.

"No sir, not in the least," he said without hesitation; it was a fact. Troffs snorted.

"Well, learn through experience! I'll allow you to wield it anyway you want. Remember, no killing moves! These are real blades!" Zack raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He considered it for a moment then flipped the cutlass casually around, holding it in a reverse-grip. He raised his hand in front of his face and nodded.

Sgt Troffs might have been twice, or even thrice, his age, but Zack had forgotten a crucial thing: he had been trained for war. His blade met Zack's in a flash and Zack grunted in surprise as his guard almost gave way. Troffs saw that moment of weakness and kicked Zack's shin and as he sank to his knee, he heard the distinct clang of the metal blade hitting the floor. He looked up to see Troff's blade inches away from his face. "Lesson over, cadet," he said softly.

"Do you even know what reverse gripping is for?" Thankfully, Sgt Troffs was a REAL teacher and he was quick to ask Zack to see him privately. Zack shook his head. "I thought it'd be better for me because I could use my arm to guard better." Troffs nodded slowly, "Yea... That is NOT what reverse grip is used for." He got up from his chair and grabbed a wooden cutlass hanging on his wall, "Follow me and grab one of these too."

"Okay, reverse grip is used with mobility," he lectured Zack at an empty patch of grass within the academy. "You see, reverse grip is used for slicing, slitting. It can't guard, it mostly deflects, except if you're really strong. Try do an overhead cut at me," he said as he moved his blade in front of his face much like what Zack did before. He swung the blade down and it connected with Troffs' blade with a wooden thunk, but only for a brief second. Troffs expertly let his wrist drop so that the cutlass ran parallel to his arm and Zack's blade slid off causing Zack to stumble. Troffs helped him up, "See what I mean?" and he grinned. Zack was a bit taken aback when he saw the laugh lines crease as he did that. Zack had never attributed this stern individual, with his short greying haircut, with an easy smile. "Alright. Back to business," he said. "Now stand still," and Zack stood at attention in front of his commanding officer. Sgt Troffs motioned his cutlass at his neck, legs and upper arm. "As you can see, its easy to slice important muscles and that's the reason why GGPU cutlassas are double-edged," and saying that he moved the blade at his thigh on its curved side, "See? I can easily cut your thigh muscles here and you won't be able to move and as you fall," and Troffs made him drop to one knee, "I can finish you off," and made a mock slit to his throat. As Zack stood up, he noticed Troffs looking at him with a thoughtful expression, increasingly so by the way he was scratching his chin. "Anything else sir?" Zack asked politely, bringing him out of his reverie. "Hmmmm? Ah, no. You're dismissed. Report to me after usual training time for remedial lessons." Zack saluted and walked off, leaving a still thoughtful Sgt Troffs behind.

After a brief moment, he spoke, "Funny how he chose that style. Of all the styles!" A hulking figure walked out from under the shade at the far end of the small indoor training field.

"He might be the one who will attract it," the figure said.

Troffs nodded, still scratching his chin, "Yes, he has it, though he does not know. I think that's what Tetrad saw in him. He has a very strong Presence," and looked at the figure, "It might even be stronger than yours! No offence, my friend," but the figure shook his head, "No, it is always so. The next generation must overshadow us. I think that was also what Tucker saw, though I hate to admit it."

Troffs' visage darkened considerably. "What is he up to? Does he mean to use this boy? And if he does, for what?"

"No... As much as it seems that he's a killer, his actions have far more meaning than what the world sees it as," the figure replied to which Troffs looked at him steadily.

"I used to believe that. But after all he's done..... How can you be so sure?"

The figure returned the steady gaze.

"Because I know Tucker Wicky. Personally."

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