Note and timeline

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Hey everybody! How do you like the story so far? Sorry for seeming very impersonal, but I use every single space available for writing (it just happened a few moments ago for my page 37). I would very much appreciate any comments you could give me to better my writing! =) Unfortunately, I don't think I can draw out the map, but I decided to plan out a timeline since Zack and his team remained largely isolated from the battles. Also, I was reading Lord of the Rings and for some reason, the timelines seem to fascinate me. Hope you continue to support Pirate Assassin!

Timeline of the Academy Tournament.

1100hrs - 1300 cadets are released from their repective transport ships. About an eighth of them are shocked in the air. Thankfully, there are no casualties.

1111hrs - Zack's team is one of the first to make it down, followed by the main group leaders: Shyla, Shaw and Bradsfort. They have no inkling as to where the other lands.

1115hrs - Zack sets off to find a good place to find troops according to his plan. Shyla begins to build a HQ and many a group decide to join her. Elyss joins as well to gather intel.

1122hrs - Fletcher and his team are shocked for the second time, the first being on the way down. Shaw begins to garner support from soloists.

1138hrs - Corby and Carvin find their 'spot'. Many a straggler joins them.

1147hrs - Fletcher and his team is shocked for the third time. They lose an electrosuit they had found. Shaw sees Bradsfort's group but decides not to engage.

1203hrs - Fletcher and his team are betrayed and disband. Zack finds his spot by Fletcher's battle with his teammates.

1214hrs - Fletcher awakens and joins Zack. Corby and Carvin's group grow steadily. First attack by Shyla on Bradsfort's growing numbers. She is victorious, but the number of suits she gains is disappointing.

1230hrs - The three groups reach their approximate maximum numbers.

1243hrs - Bradsfort is torn between attacking Shyla or finding suits.

1250hrs - Shaw decides to focus his attentions on finding electrosuits. A spy in his camp reports this to Bradsfort.

1310hrs - First attack on Shaw by Bradsfort but loses due to Shaw's superior use of guerilla tactics. The spy is found and beaten up before being shocked silly. Corby, Carvin and Zack's group grow steadily.

1334hrs - Elyss and a band of loyal comrades privately meet with Shyla. She explains her intentions and solemnly vows not to attack or to give out any information about her. Shyla lets them go in peace.

1338hrs - Corby and Carvin's camp is attacked by Bradsfort. When he finds out the two are not holding any suits he orders his men to shock the entire camp. Corby is shocked twice for standing up to him.

1356hrs - Zack's camp reaches its maximum number of 159 cadets. Cadets slowly filter back to Corby and Carvin's camp.

1400hrs - Zack, Corby and Carvin set off. Shaw suspects Shyla of having majority of the suits. He sends scouts and spies in.

1403hrs - Shaw's scouts are waylaid by Elyss and her team. He attacks Shyla's camp but retreats on second thoughts.

1415hrs - Elyss is seen leaving Shaw's camp by Bradsfort's scouts and is pursued. Carvin is separated from the group after a small skirmish. He assures Corby of his safety via ACT.

1420hrs - Zack, Corby and Carvin rendezvous. The total number of their camp is 347 due to picking up stragglers along the way.

1421hrs - Bradsfort's team catches up to Elyss and she is shocked. Before they can bring her back, an urgent communication forces them to leave her behind. Zack sets off to find her.

1437hrs - Bradsfort attacks Shyla's camp and is unsuccessful. Elyss wakes up seriously pissed. The 'straggler group' continues to grow.

1444hrs - Shaw attacks Bradsfort's empty camp on tip-off indirectly from Elyss. He retreats when Bradsfort's main group approaches.

1456hrs - Shaw now controls half the total number of electrosuits.

1500hrs - Zack gives up his search and returns to camp. Shyla does a blitzkreig rush on Shaw's camp and runs off with a third of his suits.

1505hrs - Shaw retaliates and pursues Shyla's troops. Bradsfort, seeing his advantage, attacks as well. Zack's group of 417 cadets rush towards the main battlegrounds.

1519hrs - Zack's troops reach the ridgeline. Elyss helps defend Shyla's camp.

1522hrs - In a desperate gamble, Bradsfort throws all his troops into the attack. He finally succeds. Shaw withdraws from the battle with casualties. Zack splits his forces into two.

1536hrs - Zack's second group is led by Elyss to Shaw's camp.

1542hrs - Zack, Corby and Carvin ambush Bradsfort successfully and sack his camp. Elyss and the raiding party are spotted and they run with their bounty.

1548hrs - Zack spots the raiding party and sends reinforcements. They control approximately 78% of all the electrosuits, the rest being in possession of other small groups. Elyss, to guard against betrayal, stands by at the outskirts of the camp.

1554hrs - Zack's entire camp is shocked. Carvin is shocked too but un-shocks himself along with a group of eight.

1559hrs - Zack, Elyss, Corby, Carvin and Fletcher beat up all the conspirators and Fyzen. They formally eject them out of the group.

1600hrs - Klaxon horn sounds. GAME OVER!!!!

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