Chapter 3

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*Note: Wow this is the first time I'm writing to people reading this. First off, thanks for the support and I hope you will continue to be avid readers of this book though I'm at fault too due to my highly irregular updates. Sorry about that =b. Please DO comment, and I take them seriously, about the story and how you think improvements can be made. Lastly, I would like to give a special thank you to @semidligata @TitoBurrito @everysingleperson @CrazyKK05 and @TomTaz for being my first five fans! I hope I will continue to WOW you with this novel. Good luck on your own works too!


"It would be pretty stupid if we only had one type of soldier for every kind of situation, but it'd be equally as stupid if we didn't teach, what you call the 'normal' Galactic Goverment Peacekeeping Unit, all the things he needs to know on the field just so that we can have specialised forces for every damn thing."

-speech by Supreme Commander Flounder concerning the training of GGPUs

If Zack's very gaze could burn, a hole would have seared through the wall of his cell. And probably five walls after that. Zack Ying: first invisible, then popular, now a murderer. Zack sat there on the hard plank he had for a bed, suspended on chains and did what he always did nowadays: burn with hatred. He kept thinking about the beggar man and how he would get his revenge but the man had already done what he meant to do. He had destroyed Zack's life. Witnesses all saw him murder Theo right in front of their eyes. Further investigation and questionings of Zack's associates would reveal that Zack was an angry individual and that he had most recently tried to instigate a violent outbreak for his own personal vendetta against Theo. No more evidence was necessary. Zack Ying was arrested under charges of murder to the first degree but he didn't care. From what the beggar man had told him, he suspected as much and he didn't really expect anyone to stand up for him considering what he had been doing for over a month. All he had now was rage; blazing anger aimed at the man who had killed his best friend and taken his life away. His parents had visited him on the second day of his incarceration. They were weeping and sobbing as they looked upon their son who had gone astray. Zack didn't share any of their sentiments. "Zack, oh Zack," his mother had choked out, "No matter what, we love you," but Zack turned on them with the same anger he held for the beggar man. "Sure! Only when I have lost everything do you come to me and say you love me! Just so that everyone will sympathise with you and talk about your poor son who went horribly wrong," he said sardonically, "Well, I hope this stays in your head - its too late. You never bothered to care about what I was going through, only about what shame you had to put up with me. Consider your son dead," and he motioned to the guard and he was escorted back to his cell, leaving a couple behind, unsure whether to break down into tears or scream at his retreating form.


If there were any benefits about being in prison, it would be the fact that you would have virtually nothing to do except think. Which is precisely the thing that Zack Ying proceeded to do. Zack was a practical man. He knew that prison could be dangerous, as evidenced by his 'welcoming party' when another prisoner thought the skinny boy wasn't a threat at all as he shoved him of his seat and ate his food. Zack stood up, took his fork and viciously stabbed the man in the hand. It was considerably easier for him to do it; all he had to do was superimpose the beggar man's face on anyone and he would gladly kill him. However, he needed to make sure that nobody even THOUGHT about messing with him and so he started working out. Whenever he was in his cell, he would be seen doing push-ups or punching his 'bed' which he had padded with his blankets. Any other time, lifting weights. When his next brawl came, he was ready. Six men cornered him one day in a corridor, about four men wide with solid concrete walls. They were associates of the man he stabbed with the fork. One grabbed him in a chokehold from behind and another was about to punch him in the stomach. Zack swung his leg up, slamming his heel into the man's chin and sent him flying. Zack had anticipated such an ambush and did what he already planned: to release himself, he used two fingers and jabbed the one holding him in the eyes. He was dropped and he instantly did a right hook sending him crashing into the wall. The remaining four charged. He used his long legs to whack the leading one in the heel, tripping him, and Zack grabbed his head and slammed his face on the cement floor. He hopped backwards as the next one tried to kick him. Three down, three to go. He looked at them: on his left, bald, average size; directly in front, muscular but nursing a black eye, probably another disagreement; on his right, also average build but fast. The one in front charged first. He made a sweeping blow with his right hand which Zack blocked with his left arm, but it didn't stop him from being thrown to the side. It was what he was counting on. It sent him flying into the agile man who absolutely did not see it coming and in that confused moment of recovery, Zack punched him in the face and the back of his head connected with the wall with a dull thud. He ducked quickly and a pleasing crunch followed right after as the man with the black eye threw a punch, thinking that Zack wouldn't know, but hit the wall instead. While hopping in pain, Zack and the bald man rushed at each other. There was a brief flurry of quick jabs and punches, the bald man obviously having more experience at fighting than the other two, when he managed to catch Zack on the left, then in the stomach and as Zack sank slightly, smacking his foot into his face. The bald man readied himself for another kick, pulling his leg back and shooting out his foot, Zack pushed the leg up just before it reached his face and made him fall. He put his palms to brace himself from the floor when Zack leapt on top of him and began to pummel him with his fists. The man stood no chance against his furious assault and he soon was knocked out cold, bleeding and sporting a broken nose because to Zack's secret embarrassement as he thought about this fight later, he actually didn't know where exactly to punch. He looked around to survey his work. Five men on the ground out cold and the last one still hopping around clutching his right hand. Zack went up to him and kneed in the thigh like the childish prank he used to know but this time with much more force. The man collapsed and Zack punched him in the right eye. He sank to the floor. Zack walked back to his cell with a small smile. At least the man had a matching set now.

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