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Zack was in a nightmare. After the pains he took to change Genais' departure time last minute and her mode of transport from her usual galleon to a luxury cruise liner, the pirates still managed to get to her. He also aided in Kelv's brilliant idea to split up and he had purposely covered up any evidence that Genais was not in the party, to no avail! The marines had battled their way to the lifeboats only to watch as the pirates ran headlong back to their ship. Zack had been deliberately delayed. He cursed as he watched the corsair rocket away.

"Everyone okay?" Zack asked Fint. He shook his head sadly. "We lost five guys. All for nothing."

"We need to pick up the trail before it gets cold."

"We have to question the cook." Jist said angrily. Zack raised an eyebrow. "We can't waste time! We have to go. NOW."

"You can't order me around! Who are you anyway?"

"A mercernary we hired," Kelv said quickly, "but back to the topic. What happened?" Jist looked reluctant to share the information with Zack around but he conceded, "I noticed as the two of us were running, we got tired faster. I know for a fact, that miss Harfet was anything but unfit, not to mention that I was getting weak too even with all my marine training."

"I thought only Genais drank it..." Fint asked. Jist nodded. "But I had to taste it. We have to catch the cook and question him. Once we get it out of him, we can mobilise the reinforcements and chase after them."

"No," Zack said, "The pirates were organised and I don't think they'll risk getting caught by going back to their usual hideout." Jist shook his head angrily.

"We have to get a lead first! We can't just blast off without any clues! We might be walking right into a trap!" Jist squinted at Zack, "For all you know, he might be passing information to the pirates! How else did they know her doings??" Some of the marines murmered their agreement and began to look darkly at Zack. "He's trustworthy and we hired him after Pelv was killed," Kelv said. Jist sighed. "I'm sorry. He was a brave man who protected miss Harfet. Electrocution....only pirate barbarians could come up with that." Jist looked at Zack steadily. "Fine, I'll let you work with us but I still don't trust you," and he walked off with a huff.

"Maybe you should tell Jist that you're also a Government operative. We need as much help as we can." Kelv said. Zack shook his head regretfully. "No can do. I'm actually ordered not to tell, so the choice is out of my hands. Sorry."

"Well, we just have to do what we can. Let's check the maps." The three of them spread out a few sheets of maps of the sector. "He blasted away north. He could've been heading to Juetan V," Kelv said thoughtfully.

"What? That'd be stupid! Its in the very same sector!" Fint exclaimed.

"Sorry, Kelv, I agree with Fint." Zack said, tapping the table.

"Can we just check, please? Pelv always said sometimes they're at the most obvious choice since everyone always skips it."

"We can't waste time Kelv!" Fint said, "We have to pick up the trail and go!"

"What if they're on Juetan V? What then?" Zack frowned.

"That's a really big if, Kelv. Besides, there are Government ships all around that area, its suicide to head there!"

"If they've had Government help so far, they could just do it!" Fint gasped. "Kelv, are you saying there's a traitor here? If you're wrong, you could be jailed!"

"How else would they have always been so close? If it weren't for Zack, they would've captured her three times......over...." He looked at Zack. Zack pulled his hair over his shoulder and sighed. Here we go again. "You!" Kelv pointed at him venomously, "You always seem to be there when the time is right. You-"

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