Chapter 14 - Unexpected

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                                             '''''''''''''ARIANA'S POV'''''''''''''''

(Picture of Harry and Ariana on the side)

When I arrived at the boys hotel I quickly ran to the elevators to go to there room.

I was nervous to be honest. I didn't really know what to expect.

When I came up to the boys hotel room door I quickly primped by hair took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

I heard talking so i'm guessing all the boys were there.

The door flew open to see a very confused Zayn, His jaw was dropped. I bit my lip blushing.

He still hasn't said anything, still jaw dropped. 

"Who's at the door Zayn?" A husky voice yelled from behind.

I heard footsteps behind Zayn. I then saw a very attractive Harry nudge a still shocked Zayn out of the way.

"Wow Ariana, you look absolutely stunning!" Harry exclaimed looking me up and down.

I blushed again. "Thanks Haz, you look pretty good yourself" I said back smiling.

"I try!" He responded putting his hand on his chest. "I just have to grab something from my room, you can some say Hi to the boys if you want." He said while turning around.

I nodded and walked into the suite. I looked at Zayn and saw hurt in his eyes.

"Hi Zayn." I smiled shlyl. He just shook his head. He than turned around, walked to his room and shut the door.

I flinched at the sound. What was his problem? I shrugged and walked into the living room to see 3 pairs of eyes starring at my looking me up and down with jaws dropped.

"Take a picture it last longer." I said smiling while shaking my hips slowly.

"Gosh Ariana, you look smoking!" Niall said with wide eyes. 

"Thanks Nialler." I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Ariana, you look gorgeous." Liam spoke smiling.

"Thanks Lili." I said. Harry than came jogging in with a cheeky grin.

"Ready love" He asked while walking up to me. I nodded and waved to the boys. They all waved back with confused expressions. I shrugged it off. Harry than put a hand around my waist and guided me out of the hotel suite.

When in the elevator I asked Harry "Where are we going Harold?" He looked me in the eye, with those gorgeous green orbs. "It's a surprise." He smiled and looked away. I nodded.

When outside he still had his arm around my waist. I didn't mind it.

We walked for about 5 minutes until we were at what seemed like to be a secret garden.

There was a white table with candles and two chairs set up. There was a large oak tree behind it with sparkly lights dangling from the branches. It was beautiful.

"Harry?" I questioned him looking at him as he was already looking at me.

He took my hand and guided me to my seat. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down thanking him. He than sat down across from me. 

The sun was setting in the distance behind Harry. I couldn't help but stare.

He laughed which snapped me out of my trance.

"Harry what is all this?" I asked. He looked at me with glimmering eyes.

"What does it look like?" He asked taking a sip of water.

"To me, it looks like a romantic date set up." I said starring at him.

"You said it yourself." He said smiling at me showing his perfect teeth.

I couldn't help but smile, but somewhere deep inside me I felt guilty.

"What's wrong Ariana?" Harry asked concerned taking my small hand in his large ones.

I looked down at my hand in his and sighed.

"It's just, I feel bad for Zayn. I know he likes me and I'm here with you. It doesn't feel right."

"But you two aren't even together, and I think I should have a chance to show you my romantic side." He responded with licking his lips.

I bit mine. "I know but, I just don't know." I said looking down at the table.

I felt the table shift. Harry got up and came to my chair. He kneeled down and lifted my face up with his finger so I was starring at his gorgeous hypnotizing eyes.

"Listen Ariana. I never told you, or anyone for that mater. I really like you. I've liked you from the day I met you at the radio station till now. Every time I see you my heart skips a beat. I get butterfly's in my stomach. Every time you laugh I just want you beautiful face to stay like that for ever. I want to wrap you in my arms and tell you everything is OK. I want to spoil you and treat you like you're the only women in the world. I just never got the chance. I am finally getting my chance and I don't want anything to ruin it. So don't be sad or guilty. I want to see that gorgeous smile that I never get enough of plastered on your face." Harry poured out all his feelings. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Harry quickly whipped it off.

"Don't cry babe, please don't cry." He pleaded. I than did something I would've never exspected.

I crashed my lips onto his. I could tell he was taken back at first but he than quickly warmed up to it and smiled into the kiss. His lips were so soft they were the perfect texture against mine. I never wanted this moment to end. Our lips moved in sync, my arms flew around his neck and he held onto my waist tightly rubbing my back up and down.

His tongue grazed the bottom of my lip pleading for entrance, I gladly excepted. Our tongues danced around together.

We both pulled apart gasping for air with our forheads resting on each other.

"Ariana I love you so much, will you please be my girlfriend?" Harry asked still with his arms around my waist.

All I did was nod and his face lit up immediately. He jumped and bringing me with him twirling me around in circles than gently setting me down on my feet. 

He than placed his lips on mine softly and broke away. Smiling at me.

"I love you Ariana."

"I love you too Harry." 

A/N: WOAAAAH! Bet you wern't expecting that were you now? Ahaaaa! I honestly wasn't exspecting it either! To be honest i'm not the one to plan out when I'm writing. I improve. I just write while I go and let my fingers do the work. I never expected it to happen. One thing lead to another and BAM! lol I'm sure some of the Hariana Shippers are happy. Sorry about that Zariana Shippers :( .... This chapter was kind of long I guess. I don't really write long chapters that ofter so I hope you guys enjoy! More Drama to come! If i get a few comments i might update again tonight! But if not ill update first thing tomorrow morning! ;D So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it! Vote and comment! Don't be a silent reader! Byee! OH!! ONE MORE THING! My Best friend Maya has a fanfic thats called ' Please be Real' And she recently made me a character as Harry Styles Love interest which i'm so happy about!!! AHHHHH You guys should really read her fanfic shes a great writer and I love her to death to go read her fanfic her user is @obeey_batman ! Yeah so like I was saying Bye!

           - Kayla xx

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