I turn around and see Austin walking torwards me. He's actually really tall, well all them are taller than me. I'm 5'7''
"Hi Austin." I say sweetly. We do the little handshake and I see Edwin and Nick behind him.
"Wassup guys!" I say to Edwin and Nick.
"Hey Angel." Nick says, "hi angel!" Edwin says right after.
I give them both a handshake and notice them looking at my cart.
"Where's Zion and Brandon?" I asked.
"Bathroom." Edwin replied.
"Are you on a diet or something ?" Austin asked me looking at all the fruits.
"Nah I just really love fruits, it just helps that it's good for your body." I answer. The thought of being a part of a diet makes me wanna gag.
"Let's go to the candy isle!" Nick practically yells drawing everyone's attention.
"Bet!" I say happily. The main reason I'm here.
Nick jumps on the end of my cart and I push him and we walk to find the candy isle which we found rather quickly because it was only 2 isles away.
"Okay I need the dove dark chocolates, gummy sharks, lifesavers, and whatever else looks good." I say seriously.
Edwin hold up the gummy sharks and I smile wide. He throws them into the cart and I look for the chocolate.
"Found it!" Austin shouts. He holds up the lifesavers to me and I nod and give him a little clap and he throws it like a basketball into my cart.
I'm still scanning the isle for the chocolates when I gasp rather dramatically causing the guys to look at me.
The spot where they usually have dove dark chocolate was empty and on the shelf had a sticker that said 'OUT OF STOCK'. My face turns to a frown and I was hit with a wave of disappointment.
"Aww why is Angel sad?" I hear down the isle and I see Zion walking up with Brandon. But Brandon reaches me first because Zion stops to grab gummy worms and tosses them into the cart.
I gave Brandon a little handshake and he went to Austin after because Austin was low key wandering off.
Zion walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me for a bear hug and i froze for a second, not expecting it, then i quickly hugged him back, equally as big of a hug. After a few long seconds we pulled away and I caught a glimpse of Nick giving Austin the eyebrows.
"Why you look so sad for?" Zion asked me again but quietly.
"They're out of my favorite chocolate!" I pouted like a kid and pointed to the empty slot.
"Stop being a baby." I hear Brandon say making me glare at him to see him only to see him playfully smiling it me. I mocked his face so he stuck out his tongue at me. Then I stick my tongue out at him making Zion squish my cheeks together. I push his hand away and chuckle.
"Angel !" Nick says excitedly behind me. Before I can whip around he comes between me and Zion and shoved the dove dark chocolate in my face showing me.
"Where did you find it?!" I practically jump for joy.
"Oh I just asked a worker when I saw her." He shrugs.
My high ass happily gives Nick a hug, when I do I'm face to face with Zion and he looks so lost in thought for some reason so I wink at him and he smiles. I carefully lay the chocolate in the cart because I don't want it to break.

STAY HIGH | Zion Kuwonu
FanficIn which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner. Will she love him as much as she loves weed? SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him. $$$ "Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...