"Besitos!" I say and kissing my screen.
"For me?" Zion smirked and held the camera up to his face.
"No!" I say dramatically, "only for Kobe!"
I start calling Kobe's name and making him excited and wag his tail.
"Hi baby boy! Hi Kobe!" I talk in my baby voice and I puckered my lips.
Kobe just jumped back and forth and barked at the screen excitedly.
"How bout me?" Zion whined.
"My other baby boy!" I laughed and said still in my baby voice making Zion cheese really hard like a kid.
"Angel?!" I hear Nick say in the background and then eventually pop on the screen.
"Hi Nicolas!" I smile showing my pearly whites.
I see Nick rip Zion's phone out of his hand, making Zion instantly reach for it but Nick pulled it away.
"How you been baby?" Nick said with an accent and I hear Zion grunt in the background.
"I've been high and all is well but I miss my boys.." I say smiling. It's only been 2 days in but, what can I say, I'm a loner.
"Does that include me?" Nick asks excitedly.
"Of course!" I reply and Nick fist pumps the air.
Before nick can even say anything Zion snatches the phone out of Nicks hand and I see him smack Nick in the head and walk to the back room of the tour bus, where we smoked before.
"Did you just hit him?" I asked Zion, confused on what just happened.
Zion grunted in response and turned on fort nite and began playing. I know because I can see the reflection in the back mirror.
"Are you gunna answer my question Z?" I asked using that nickname for the first time and he made no move to even show he heard me.
I glared at him and thought about hanging up but I just like being on the phone with him even though he's not talking.
I had my phone propped on my vanity and I just starting putting on mascara. I checked my phone. 10:07 am. I'm going to go to the mall today.
"Zion?" I said finally breaking the long silence. He didn't even blink.
"ZioOoOn?" I sang jokingly, "besitos?"
He glances at me so I puckered my lips and kissed the camera and I back up to see him finally smiling.
"Your too fucking cute." He comments.
"Are you done throwing a tantrum?" I dismiss his comment.
"No." He quickly says and turns to fortnite but I see him steal a few quick glances at the screen to see what I'll do.
"Okay then bye!" I say and lean forward to hang up the call.
"WA-" He was cut short when I pressed end call.
Incoming call from Zion🤩🤪
accept | decline"That was not funny.." he spoke with a straight face once I answered.
"Besitos?" I lighten the mood and shower the camera with kisses.
"Besitos." He replies and gives one good peck on the camera and low key I swooned.
"I miss you .." i said getting serious. He sighed loudly and paused his game, turning his attention to me.
"I miss you too mamas." He replied making the butterflies in my tummy join a circus.
He's so hot I just- I can't believe I'm breathing.
"When do you come back to LA?" I say and pout.
"Tomorrow night baby girl." He says smoothly. I cannot with these nicknames.
"Do you need me to pick you up?" I ask.
"If you want to, we were just going to get an Uber." He shrugged.
"Of course! I miss my handsome baby boys!" I say enthusiastically, bringing back my baby voice.
Zion's face instantly falls, his eyebrows furrow and his lips pull into an angry pout. He looks mean and sexy but he still looks cute and adorable.
"No," he says.
"Excuse me?" I ask confused.
"I'm the only one, fuck the rest of em!" He hollas so the rest of the guys can hear him making me laugh.
"I smell jealousy..." I sang.
"I don't give a fuck, I am fucking jealous!" He said waving his arms all over the place while fortnite is forgotten.
"We- I- you swear..." I say and started laughing. He play too much.
"Gimme all your attention babygirl.." he said licking his lips making me roll into another fit of giggles.
Letty walked in my doors scaring me for a second.
"Tonio is here, he's waiting outside. OMG- Zion Hi ! Omfg! I love you!" My sister said almost in one breath.
"Hi, I love you too!" He smiled while I ushered Letty out of my room.
"Who is Tonio?" Zion's face went from smiling at my sister, to straight facing me, "I thought I told you to gimme all your attention?" He joked.
I chuckled, "he's the mechanic on the block, he's gunna help me put my new car battery and change the oil." I explained making Zion ease up.
"Okay.. okay.. he better not try anything! Keep it professional!" He added with a grimace.
I laughed and nodded knowing that Tonio was a 45 year old married man with 4 kids. But I wasn't going to tell Zion that.

STAY HIGH | Zion Kuwonu
FanfictionIn which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner. Will she love him as much as she loves weed? SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him. $$$ "Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...