4,320 minutes
72 hours
3 days
3 DAYS!!! Since I seen Zion. I haven't call him because I'm too busy with taking care of Joseph with his wound and Linda with her green light problem. The whole neighborhood went on lockdown yesterday because Jose and Adolfo did the drive-by since they couldn't find where the guy was that put the green light on Linda.
All the cholos have been treating her so sweetly to get her mind off of everything going on around her. Linda and I have been with them since forever and we are the only girls that they are close to because we don't try and get with them like other girls.
We da homegirls, not da home wreckers.
Anyhoe, although I've been busy I'm also scared to talk to Zion, I'm scared of what he has to say, what he thinks of me, and if he even still wants to be my friend, cringe, I like him but if he doesn't like me or what I'm raised with, I'm okay with that but I still want to be friends.
Should I call him? I'm a boss ass bitch, I could do whatever I want.
Will he answer? If he doesn't, then fuck him.
Im so fucking anxious.. hurry up bitch.
I'm literally battling my anxiety and my pride right now. I could do this. I want to do this. I wouldn't want to lose someone who became so much to me in such a little amount of time.
| Calling Zion 💙 |
——————————Yes I changed his name with a heart... idc.
"Hello." His voice rang through my ear
My heart rate picked up instantly.
"Zion I-"
"Oh my god Angel, it sounds so good to hear your voice. Are you okay? I heard there was shooting and a lockdown in your area yesterday." "Zion" "I'm sorry I didn't call you, you said you would call me and i didn't want to bother you," "Zi-" "I know you were probably busy fixing a bullet wound, which I didn't know you could do-" "ZION!" I cut him off until he finally quieted down.
"I'm okay, there was a shooting and it's all handled. I have been really busy that's why I haven't called you but... I miss you." I continue.
I was silent on the other end for a second making me hold me breath.
"I miss you too. A lot." He let out a big huff while I let out a huge breath. He sounded stressed making me worried.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"Just a little overworked, I haven't got much sleep recently." He told me making me instantly feel bad. Was it because of me?
"What are you doing today?" I ask him and look at the clock. 10:38 am.
"In the studio...that's prettymuch it. Do you wanna come over?" He asked me hopefully.
"I'll be over in 10." I tell him with a smile on my face.
We say our quick byes while I hopped off Julio's couch.
"Linda!" I called out.
"Que?!" She called back from one of the rooms so I followed her voice. I popped my head into the master bedroom of the house and see all the homies sitting around Linda while they all watch the new episode of some telenovela.
This is the side of cholos most people don't see. They're not always killing people and selling drugs, they have their own lifestyle and are normal people too.
"Voy a la casa de mi amigo." I tell her and she shoots up and rushes to give me a hug. (I'm going to my friends house)
I give her a hug and a quick I love you and give all the guys a handshake and rush out to my car, excited to see Zion.
I parked my car in the pretttmuch household driveway and fixed my hair in the rear view mirror.
"I can't wait to see Zion..." I thought to myself.
I opened my door and happily trotted up to the door step. Should I have waited a few minutes because I made it here in 5 when I broke the speed limit, I don't want to seem desperate. Well, I am desperate.
I shrugged my shoulders and just walk in.
"Wassup perras !" I holla making Austin, Nick, and Brandon pop their head up from the TV.
I hear something drop in the kitchen and I see Zion run out and towards me. He scoops me up and gives me a big hug and I hugged him back harder, his face was in the crook of my neck.
"I missed you." I tell him after a moment of silence.
"I missed you too Angel." He said with his head still in my neck.
"Oh hi Angel! I haven't seen you ina minute." I hear Edwin say, "Zion come on we need to finish."
Zion groans making vibrations travel my whole body. He leans up a little so he reached my ear.
"Please help me Angel, he's making me mop." Zion whispers with his breath fanning my ear making me tingly, I laughed at him.
"Do you need any help cleaning?" I ask Edwin out loud making his eyes light up in only a way Edwin's can. He nodded furiously with a smile.
We walk into the kitchen and I see the mop on the floor, the one that Zion dropped.
"Angel can you just wipe down the counters, and Zion finish mopping," Edwin explained, "after that you guys are done."
Zion and I sped though our task while make jokes like I would twist the towelette I was using to wipe the counters, and I would act like I'm whipping Edwin when he wasn't looking. While Zion was purposely tripping Edwin with the mop by sticking it out behind him when he had to turn around.
I finished the counter and stuck my tongue out at Zion making him make puppy dog eyes at me. We were having a silent conversation like weirdos. I stuck my middle finger up and he swatted it away and gave me bigger puppy eyes, with the quivering lip too!
I felt bad so I leaned up and kissed his cheek, once I leaned back down we both froze. I didn't just do that, oh fuck, I JUST DID THAT. I felt my cheeks turn pink while I looked up at Zion expectedly. The top of his ears were red and he was still stunned with his eyes wide.
I quickly half punched- half patted his chest to snap him out of his trance.
"I'll be in your room, come after your done." I tell him, I lightly patted his cheek because I just wanted to touch him and I turned around and walked away.

STAY HIGH | Zion Kuwonu
FanfictionIn which a gangster baddie meets Zion Kuwonu accidentally at a concert, she also happens to be a major stoner. Will she love him as much as she loves weed? SPOILER: it's not that hard. I mean- come on; look at him. $$$ "Oh shit! I forgot Z, I came...